Light Monopoles, Electric Vortices and Instantons.pdf

Light Monopoles, Electric Vortices and Instantons.pdf

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Light Monopoles, Electric Vortices and Instantons

a r X i v : h e p - t h / 9 5 1 0 2 3 6 v 2 2 N o v 1 9 9 5 Light Monopoles, Electric Vortices and Instantons Juan Mateos Guilarte Department of Physics. Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Salamanca. Salamanca 37008 SPAIN February 1, 2008 Abstract A Quantum Field Theory for magnetic monopoles is described and its phase struc- ture fully analysed. 1 The strong coupling limit of N = 3D2 supersymmetric gauge theory in four dimensions has been studied in depth by Seiberg and Witten in a brilliant series of papers [1]. An important outcome is that the ’strongly coupled’ vacuum turns out to be a weakly coupled theory of light magnetic monopoles. Moreover, a version of electric-magnetic duality fitting the Montonen-Olive conjecture [2] proves to be true in the model. In this letter we offer a brief description of the physics involved in the Seiberg-Witten action. There are two kinds of quanta: light monopoles and dual-photons. Monopole- monopole as well as dual-photon-monopole interactions are due to the vertices coming from the non-quadratic terms of the Lagrangian. This is the content of perturbation theory although= different topological sectors show important non-perturbative effects in the model. We find topological defects as the solutions of a minor modification,a sign, of the monopole equations [3]. The change yields non-trivial regular solutions in R4 which, on physical grounds, we find to be either electric vortices or instantons. As a consequence, the phase structure of the theory is determined. We start from the euclidean action S = 3D ∫ d4x{ 1 4 FμνFμν + 1 2 (DμΨ+) +DμΨ+ + 1 4 (DμΨ+) +ΣμνDνΨ+} + ∫ d4x{i λ1 2 εμνρσFρσjμν + λ22 8 jμνjμν}. (1) Ψ+ is a right-handed Weyl spinor, the light monopole field. Aμ is a dual electromagnetic potential. DμΨ+ = 3D?μΨ+ + igAμΨ+ is the covariant derivative with respect to the gauge group U(1)d, the dual of the electromagnetic U(1). The magnetic charge,g = 3D 4π e is the 1 coupling constant and the tensor field is Fμν = 3D


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