Mapping Concurrently-Communicating Modules onto Mesh Multicomputers Equipped with Virtual C.pdf

Mapping Concurrently-Communicating Modules onto Mesh Multicomputers Equipped with Virtual C.pdf

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Mapping Concurrently-Communicating Modules onto Mesh Multicomputers Equipped with Virtual C

Mapping Concurrently-Communicating Modules onto MeshMulticomputers Equipped with Virtual ChannelsBing-rung Tsai and Kang G. ShinReal-Time Computing LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceThe University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI 48109-2122Email: fiast,kgshing@eecs.umich.eduAbstract|It is dicult to de ne and evaluate a mean-ingful performance metric when many packets are gen-erated and exchanged concurrently in mesh-connectedmulticomputers equipped with wormhole switching andvirtual channels. Thus, an approximate metric/costfunction must be chosen so that when task modules aremapped by optimizing this function, the actual perfor-mance of the mapping is also optimized. Several low-complexity cost functions are evaluated using the sim-ulated annealing optimization process. The mappingsfound by optimizing these cost functions are then fedinto a it-level simulator to evaluate their actual per-formance. One particular cost function is found to bevery e ective.1 IntroductionInterconnection networks equipped with wormholeswitching have been widely used for contemporary mul-ticomputers/parallel machines. In such a network, eachpair of adjacent nodes is connected by a pair of uni-directional physical links/channels. A xed number ofvirtual channels are time-multiplexed over each phys-ical channel. Though most of our discussion may ap-ply to general networks, we will focus primarily on themesh network topology, especially k-ary 2-cubes whichhave been widely used in evaluating the performance ofvirtual-channel networks. Particularly, we will concen-trate on the case where a substantial number of packetscan be transmitted through the network (near) simulta-neously, thus possibly causing serious trac congestion.Since internode communications largely depend onhow communicating task modules are assigned to thenodes, our task-mapping model will consider intertaskThe work reported in this paper was supported in part by theNational Science Foundation under


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