NHCE Interactive English Dictionary5.doc

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NHCE Interactive English Dictionary5

NHCE Interactive English Dictionary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ? FM 1. n. [U] 1) 调频. ? February 1. n. [U] 1) 二月 ((略作Feb.)): a) He was born in February. 他生于2月份。 ? Friday 1. n. [C,U] 1) 星期五,周五: a) The banks open from Monday to Friday. 银行周一至周五开门。 ? Fuchsian functions 1. 富克斯函数. ? fable 1. n. [C] 1) 寓言;虚构的故事;谎言: a) Aesops Fables 《伊索寓言》 ? fabric 1. n. [C,U] 1) 织物,织品;布: a) She bought some fabric to make shirts from. 她买了一些布做衬衫。 2) 构造;结构;组织: a) The whole fabric of society was changed by the coup detat. 整个社会架构都被这场政变改变了。 ? fabricate 1. v. vt. 1) 捏造,伪造 (文件等);编造 (谎言、借口等): a) They fabricated evidence and threatened witnesses. 他们伪造证据并威胁证人。 2) 建造,制造: a) He tries to fabricate new theories. 他努力想创立新理论。 ? fabulous 1. adj. 1) 极好的,极妙的: a) It’s a fabulous party! 这是一次极其愉快的联欢会。 2) 惊人的,难以置信的: a) fabulous wealth 巨额财富 3) 传说中的,寓言中的: a) fabulous heroes 神话中的英雄 ? face 1. n. [C] 1) 脸,面孔: a) The tramp was found lying on the floor face downwards. 这个流浪汉被人发现脸朝下趴在地上。 2) 面容,表情: a) You can see the childrens happy faces. 你可以看到孩子们幸福的笑脸。 3) (物体的)表面,正面: a) A cut diamond has many faces. 琢好的宝石有许多面。 4) 外观: a) The whole village presented a placid face. 整个村庄一片宁静。 5) 面子;价值;威信: a) He doesn’t want to back down and risk losing face. 他不想让步,不愿冒丢脸的危险。 2. v. vt. 1) 面朝,面向,正对: a) The house faces a square. 这房子正对着一个广场。 2) 面对: a) She was shy to face the audience. 面对观众她有些害羞。 3) (勇敢地)正视,对付: a) He faced the difficulties with courage. 他勇敢地面对困难。 4) 面临: a) The country faces an economic crisis. 这个国家面临着经济危机。 ? face to face 1. 面对面地 (with): a) I rushed out of the office and found myself face to face with the boss. 我冲出办公室,面对面地碰上了老板。 ? face to face (with) 1.close to and looking at sb. or sth. 面对面的/地: a) I’d like to meet him face to face someday; I’ve heard so much about him. 我已听到了很多关于他的情况,很想有一天能见见他。 b) Actually, Ive never met her face to face. 实际上,我从未与她打过照面。 2.no escape from sth. and having to deal with it 面临着;面对着: a) What would you do if you were face to face with so many difficulties? 如果你面对这么多困难,你会怎么办? b) It w


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