no drugs 课件8.ppt

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no drugs 课件8

Reading and vocabulary Enjoy some sentences 1.Drugs do great harm to one’s health. 2.The drug addicts become a bag of bones in the end. 3.Once you begin to take drugs, you can’t go without them. 4.The drug addicts suffer from serious illnesses and taking drugs leads to a family broken up. 5.The longer you take drugs, the more you depend on it. Cocaine Most Addictive Heroin Cannabis choose the best title for article1 and article2 A. A Drug Addict and His History B Dangerous Activities of Teenagers C The Dangers of using Cocaine Skim Parts 1-6 on page 13 and decide which parts belong to Article 1 and which belong to Article 2 and what the right order is. A: A Drug Addict and His Story B: The Dangers of Using Cocaine P: 2 3 5 6 P: 1 4 Decide the sentences ‘T’or‘F’ People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly Smoking crack cocaine can change people’s behaviour Cocaine can be smoked and also injected T T T F Read the story again Adam, ___years old, is a _____ addict. When he was____, he started _______ drugs. He______ cannabis from a man. One day, the man_______ him some crack cocaine. Later he went to ask the man for _____crack cocaine, but he didn’t have _______ money to buy it. He was in terrible ____.The next day, he ______a TV and a video recorder and sold them and then he got ______ to buy more crack cocaine. ___ that time, he was ________to crack cocaine. So he had to continue to steal something. One day, the ________took him to_________________. Then he ______a doctor’s advice and ______taking grugs. 19 drug 15 using bought offered more enough pain stole money By addicted police the police station took stopped Task According to the pictures, make up a story ,telling us what happened to the boy called Jack? Homework Write a short composition about what you will do if your friend is a drug addict. Task Three Please make a commonweal(公益)


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