Nuclear charm and bottom production a comparison among high energy approaches.pdf

Nuclear charm and bottom production a comparison among high energy approaches.pdf

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Nuclear charm and bottom production a comparison among high energy approaches

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 0 3 0 7 1 2 9 v 3 1 5 O c t 2 0 0 3 NUCLEAR CHARM AND BOTTOM PRODUCTION: A COMPARISON AMONG HIGH ENERGY APPROACHES V.P. Gonc?alves 1, M.V.T. Machado 1, 2 1 Instituto de F??sica e Matema?tica, Universidade Federal de Pelotas Caixa Postal 354, CEP 96010-090, Pelotas, RS, Brazil 2 High Energy Physics Phenomenology Group, GFPAE, IF-UFRGS Caixa Postal 15051, CEP 91501-970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil ABSTRACT We calculate the nucleon and nuclear photoproduction cross sections for heavy quarks within the k⊥-factorization formalism, considering the current high energy approaches which include nuclear and saturation effects. Our results demonstrate that a future experimental analysis of this process would allow to constraint the QCD dynamics at high energies. 1 Introduction The electron-proton (ep) collider at HERA has opened up a new kinematic regime in the study of the deep structure of the proton and, in general, of hadronic interactions. This regime is characterized by small values of the Bjorken variable x = Q2/s, where Q2 is the momentum transfer and √ s is the center-of-mass energy. The experimental results from HERA have shown a striking rise of the proton structure function F2(x,Q 2) for values x 10?2, which implies that the cross section increases faster than logarithmically on energy. This high energy behavior in the hard-scattering regime is expected if the underlying dynamics is driven by self-interacting massless vector bosons, the gluons. Thus, the steep rise of F2 certainly confirms one of the basic predictions of perturbative QCD. As the predictions of the collinear and the k⊥-factorization approaches, relying on different assumptions, agree with the measurements of the inclusive quantities, one current open question is: what is the correct QCD dynamics at high energies? In the collinear factorization approach [1] all partons involved are assumed to be on mass shell, carrying only longitudinal momenta, and their transverse momen


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