Numerical modeling of flexible components for assembly path planning.pdf

Numerical modeling of flexible components for assembly path planning.pdf

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Numerical modeling of flexible components for assembly path planning

Proceedings of DETC’03 ASME 2003 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference Chicago, Illinois USA, September 2-6, 2003 DETC2003/CIE-48293 NUMERICAL MODELING OF FLEXIBLE COMPONENTS FOR ASSEMBLY PATH PLANNING USING A VIRTUAL REALITY ENVIRONMENT A. Mikchevitch??, J.-C. Léon? ?Soils, Solids, Structures Laboratory, Integrated Design Project, UMR CNRS 5521 INPG Domaine Universitaire BP 53X Grenoble 38041 Cedex 9 France Phone : (33) 04 76 82 51 27 / 29 Fax : (33) 04 76 82 70 43 E-mail : A. Gouskov? ?Applied Mechanics Laboratory Bauman Moscow State Technical University 2-d Baumanskay 5 Moscow 107005 Russia Phone : (7) 095 263 64 87 Fax : (7) 095 267 98 93 Email : ABSTRACT The aspects of adequate simulation of the flexible parts for path planning during the Assembly/Disassembly (A/D) operation simulation are discussed in this paper. An interactive system forming two complementary levels and incorporating mechanical models of flexible part is described. The approach proposed will be used as a basis to the simulation of flexible parts into a Virtual Reality (VR) environment for the A/D evaluation. First of all, the study of current assembly path planning systems is performed. Secondly, as an issue of the problems discussed, a new system integrating real-time and interactive mechanical simulation approaches is proposed. Finally, an example of the interactive mechanical behavior model applicable to flexible rods used into an A/D path planning context is presented. Numerical modeling focuses on typical boundary conditions. The present approach is considered as a proposal for a methodology used with VR environments during the product design process. Keywords : Assembly, flexible parts, large displacements, path planning, virtual reality. 1. INTRODUCTION The field of A/D fits among the domains


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