On $R^4$ threshold corrections in IIB string theory and (p,q) string instantons.pdf

On $R^4$ threshold corrections in IIB string theory and (p,q) string instantons.pdf

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On $R^4$ threshold corrections in IIB string theory and (p,q) string instantons

a r X i v : h e p - t h / 9 7 0 7 0 1 8 v 5 2 A p r 1 9 9 8 CERN-TH/97-146 CPTH-S539.0697 hep-th/9707018 On R4 threshold corrections in type IIB string theory and (p, q)-string instantons Elias Kiritsis and Boris Pioline? Theory Division, CERN?, CH-1211, Geneva 23, SWITZERLAND ABSTRACT We obtain the exact non-perturbative thresholds of R4 terms in type IIB string theory compactified to eight and seven dimensions. These thresholds are given by the perturbative tree-level and one-loop results together with the contribu- tion of the D-instantons and of the (p, q)-string instantons. The invariance under U -duality is made manifest by rewriting the sum as a non-holomorphic invari- ant modular function of the corresponding discrete U -duality group. In the eight-dimensional case, the threshold is the sum of a order-1 Eisenstein series for SL(2,Z ) and a order-3/2 Eisenstein series for SL(3,Z ). The seven-dimensional result is given by the order-3/2 Eisenstein series for SL(5,Z ). We also conjecture formulae for the non-perturbative thresholds in lower dimensional compactifica- tions and discuss the relation with M-theory. CERN-TH/97-146 CPTH-S539.0697 July 1997 ? On leave from Centre de Physique The?orique, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France. ? e-mail addresses: kiritsis,bpioline@mail.cern.ch. 1 Introduction Important progress has recently been made towards understanding the non-perturbative structure of string theory. Extended supersymmetry implies non-perturbative equivalence between string theories. Quantitative tests, although scarce, can be carried out by computing threshold corrections to specials terms in the effective action, which are “BPS saturated”. Such terms receive perturbative corrections from (at most) a single order in perturbation theory, to which only BPS states contribute. Usually they are related by supersymmetry to anomaly cancelling terms. Moreover, they receive instanton corrections from special instanton configurations t


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