OHSA 1910-27.pdf

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OHSA 1910-27

126 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition) § 1910.27 (iv) The top of the ladder must be placed with the two rails supported, unless equipped with a single support attachment. (v) When ascending or descending, the climber must face the ladder. (vi) Ladders must not be tied or fas- tened together to provide longer sec- tions. They must be equipped with the hardware fittings necessary if the man- ufacturer endorses extended uses. (vii) Ladders should not be used as a brace, skid, guy or gin pole, gangway, or for other uses than that for which they were intended, unless specifically recommended for use by the manufac- turer. (viii) See § 1910.333(c) for work prac- tices to be used when work is per- formed on or near electric circuits. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43 FR 49745, Oct. 24, 1978; 49 FR 5321, Feb. 10, 1984; 55 FR 32014, Aug. 6, 1990] § 1910.27 Fixed ladders. (a) Design requirements—(1) Design considerations. All ladders, appur- tenances, and fastenings shall be de- signed to meet the following load re- quirements: (i) The minimum design live load shall be a single concentrated load of 200 pounds. (ii) The number and position of addi- tional concentrated live-load units of 200 pounds each as determined from an- ticipated usage of the ladder shall be considered in the design. (iii) The live loads imposed by per- sons occupying the ladder shall be con- sidered to be concentrated at such points as will cause the maximum stress in the structural member being considered. (iv) The weight of the ladder and at- tached appurtenances together with the live load shall be considered in the design of rails and fastenings. (2) Design stresses. Design stresses for wood components of ladders shall not exceed those specified in § 1910.25. All wood parts of fixed ladders shall meet the requirements of § 1910.25(b). For fixed ladders consisting of wood side rails and wood rungs or cleats, used at a pitch in the range 75 degrees t


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