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On The Field Theory Limit Of D-Instantons

a r X i v : h e p - t h / 9 8 1 0 1 2 8 v 2 2 7 O c t 1 9 9 8 UCB–PTH–98/49, LBNL–42387, SPIN-1998/1 hep-th/9810128 On The Field Theory Limit Of D-Instantons Hirosi Ooguri1,2 and Kostas Skenderis3 1 Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720 2 Theoretical Physics Group, Mail Stop 50A-5101, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720 3 Spinoza Institute, University of Utrecht, Leuvenlaan 4, 3584 CE Utrecht, The Netherlands Abstract We study the dilaton/axion configuration near D-instantons in type IIB superstring theory. In the field theory limit, the metric near the instantons becomes flat in the string frame as well as in the Einstein frame. In the large N limit, the string coupling constant becomes zero except near the origin. The supersymmetry of this configuration is analyzed. An implication of this result to the IIB Matrix Model is discussed. 1 Introduction According to the AdS/CFT correspondence [1–3], string theory on (p+2)-dimensional Anti-de Sitter Space (AdSp+2) times a compact space is equivalent to a (p+1)-dimensional conformal field theory. In particular, string theory on AdS4 ×S7, AdS5 ×S5 and AdS7 × S4 are shown to be equivalent to conformal field theory on M2, D3 and M5 branes, respectively. These correspondences were discovered by studying the near horizon region of p-branes in two different ways. One is to consider strings propagating in the curved background generated by the p-brane. Another is to use the collective coordinates of the p-brane, which in some limit is a (p + 1)-dimensional conformal field theory. The equivalence of the two descriptions implies the correspondence. In this paper, we study the region near (?1)-branes, i.e. instantons. This case is of particular interest since the corresponding 0-dimensional gauge theory has been conjec- tured to give a non-perturbative definition of the type IIB superstring [4, 5]. We study the dilaton/axion fields configuration ne


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