QQ-S-365 Silver Plating rev D.pdf

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QQ-S-365 Silver Plating rev D

hBd4 QQ-s-r65D . I June 1985 SUPEA.SEDIXC Qa-s-relc Auguat 20, l9?9 Pederal the uee I I FEDERAL SPECITICATIOX SILVER PL TIIIC, ELECTRODEPOSITED: GENERAL . nEQUIRE{E!|TS roR This apeci f lcat lon yas epproved by the Connlgeloner , Supply Serv ice, Ceneral Serv lcee Admlnlet rat lon , for of aI I Federal A6engleo. : t ho f o l l ow ing bypeo , aa opec l f i ed 1. SCOPE AI ID CLASSIFICATION I .1 SgoPe . , Th l s opec l f l ca t l on covo rs t he requ l remon te f o r o lec t rodepce l t ed s l l v e r p l a t e ( o e e 6 . I ) . I . 2 C l a e s l f i c a t l o n . I . 2 .1 Typ u . S l l ve r p la t l ng aha l l be o f ( s e e ) . 5 , 4 a n d 6 . ) ) : Type I - l {at te Type I I - Sonl-br lght Type I I I - Br lght r . 2 . 2 G r q d e e . s i l v e r p r a t i n g e h a l r b e o f t h e f o 1 . o v l n g g r a d o s , a s c p c o l f t e d G - r . 4 . 5 a n d e . r . : ) i Grade A - Yl th eupplenentary tarrr loh-resletant t reatnent (chronate t rea ted) crade B - Yl- thout aupprenentary tarnleh-roslstant t reatnent. 2. APPLICABLE NOCUiNNTS,. 2 . r rhe fo r ro r ing docunents o f the leeuee in e f fec t on the da te o f lnvl tat lon for bide or requeot for propooal, form a part of this epeclf lcat lon to the ex ten t opec l f ied here ln : F e d e r a l S p e c l f l c a t l o n s : Q q - S - 5 ? I - S o l d e r ; T l n A ) , I o y ; L e a d - T l n A l l o y ; a n d L e a d A l l o y DISTRIBUTION STATSiEIIT A Approved for publlc release; dlgtr lbut lou rur l tnl ted. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS / PAGES 0 t 1 2 A - 1 II ltf, QQ-8-365D Pcdoral Stand$t !cd. Tert fothod Std. No I51 - t letalal Teat l lothods (Aetlvlt les outrldc tha tlederal Govcrnmnt BlaY obtaln coplee of Foderal speclflcatlonel standardgr and Handbooke as outl lned under General Infonratlon ln the Indo o! Fedcral speclflcatlona and standardar and at the prlcee lndlcated ln the Index. The Indcxr r-hlch lncludee cumulatl


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