QUBE A system for deciding quantified boolean formulas satisfiability.pdf

QUBE A system for deciding quantified boolean formulas satisfiability.pdf

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QUBE A system for deciding quantified boolean formulas satisfiability

QUBE: A system for deciding Quantified Boolean Formulas Satisfiability ? Enrico Giunchiglia, Massimo Narizzano, and Armando Tacchella DIST, Universita? di Genova, Viale Causa 13, 16145 Genova – Italy 1 Introduction Deciding the satisfiability of a Quantified Boolean Formula (QBF) is an important re- search issue in Artificial Intelligence. Many reasoning tasks involving planning [1], abduction, reasoning about knowledge, non monotonic reasoning [2], can be directly mapped into the problem of deciding the satisfiability of a QBF. In this paper we present QUBE, a system for deciding QBFs satisfiability. We start our presentation in x 2 with some terminology and definitions necessary for the rest of the paper. In x 3 we present a high level description of QUBE’s basic algorithm. QUBE’s available options are described in x 4. We end our presentation in x 5 with some experimental results showing QUBE effectiveness in comparison with other sys- tems. QUBE, and more information about QUBE, are available at www.mrg.dist. unige.it/star/qube. 2 Formal preliminaries Consider a set P of propositional letters. An atom is an element of P. A literal is an atom or the negation of an atom. For each literal l, (i) l is x if l = :x, and is :x if l = x; (ii)jlj is the atom occurring in l. A clause C is an n-ary (n  0) disjunction of literals such that no atom occurs twice in C. A propositional formula is a k-ary (k  0) conjunction of clauses. As customary, we represent a clause as a set of literals, and a propositional formula as a set of clauses. A QBF is an expression of the formQ1x1 : : : Qnxn; (n  0) (1) where everyQi (1  i  n) is a quantifier, either existential 9 or universal 8; x1; : : : ; xn are pairwise distinct atoms in P; and  is a propositional formula in the atoms x1; : : : ; xn.Q1x1 : : : Qnxn is the prefix and  is the (quantifier-free) matrix of (1). Consider a QBF of the form (1). A literal l occurring in  is: – existential if 9jlj belongs to the prefix of (1),


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