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2.4GHz Wireless Multi-Media Processor SN93300 Series Datasheet V1.1 - 1 - 1. General Description Sonix SN93300 series is a 2.4GHz wireless multi-media processor that target on wireless transmission for video, audio and data applications. It supports at least 3 popular types of 2.4GHz RF transceiver, including Nordic? nRF24L01, AMICCOM? A7121, Muchip? MU2302. Within bandwidth limit of 2Mbps, 3Mbps and 4Mbps data rate for each brand RF transceiver, SN93300 supports 1-way video, 2-way audio and 2-way data transmission. SN93300 implements most popular LCD panel interfaces and supports ISP CMOS sensor interface. For PC peripheral applications, it supports USB 1.1 interface and follow UVC/UAC driver-less class compliance of Microsoft? XP? SP2 or VISTA? OS. 2. Features Support 2.4GHz ISM band FSK RF transceivers. Firmware protocol base adaptive FHSS (frequency hopping spreading spectrum). Meet telecommunication regulations. FCC 15.247 CE ETSI EN 300 328-1 Built-in baseband supports antenna diversity for receiver. Built-in PLL for internal clock generation with input crystal frequency of 12MHz. Built-in wake up function for remote power-on/off control. Using external serial flash to store customized code and data. No external SDRAM needed. Path delay from Tx camera to Rx display has less than 0.1 second for video and audio. Remote command delay has less than 0.01 second. Packages of LQFP 48/80/100 USB 1.1 interface. USB Video Class 1.1 compliant. USB Audio Class 1.0 compliant. Support ISP CMOS sensor interface with 16-bit YUY2 format. 1/2, 1/4 image scaling function to keep fully view angle for small size panel. Support 1.5X or 2X digital zoom-in function for VGA sensor. For VGA sensor, combined scaling and windowing function provides similar view angle for QVGA/QQVGA output format. Built-in JPEG codec. Built-in TV encoder. Support image DSP technology to eliminate blocking effect. Suppor


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