The impact of technology on the quality-value-loyalty chain A research agenda.pdf

The impact of technology on the quality-value-loyalty chain A research agenda.pdf

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The impact of technology on the quality-value-loyalty chain A research agenda

The Impact of Technology on the Quality-Value-Loyalty Chain: A Research Agenda A. Parasuraman Dhruv Grewal University of Miami In this article, the authors first propose a simple model summarizing the key drivers of customer loyalty. Then, on the basis of this model and drawing on key insights from the preceding articles in this issue, they outline a set of is- sues for further research related to the quality-value- loyalty chain. Next, the authors develop a conceptual framework that integrates the quality-value-loyalty chain with the pyramid model, which emphasizes the increas- ing importance of technology-customer, technology- employee, and technology-company linkages in serving customers. Using this integrated framework as a spring- board, they identify a number of avenues for additional in- quiry pertaining to the three types of linkages. The preceding articles in this special issue collectively offer a rich set of insights for both managerial practice and further research related to serving customers and consum- ers effectively in the twenty-first century. These insights cover macro perspectives (i.e., aspects pertaining to mar- kets as a whole) as well as micro perspectives (i.e., aspects pertaining to individual seller-buyer linkages within mar- kets). The primary goal of this concluding article is to offer an agenda for additional research on issues that augment those identified in the previous articles. We generate this agenda by drawing on insights from our prior research with colleagues (relating to the topics of service quality, perceived value, and customer loyalty) and melding those insights with the main points of the other articles in this Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Volume 28, No. 1, pages 168-174. Copyright 9 2000 by Academy of Marketing Science. issue. While the agenda we propose is consistent with the theme of serving customers and consumers effectively, it is not intended to be exhaustive b


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