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Universal Bibliographic Control and

Universal Availability of Publications (UA P ) British Library Document Supply Centre Boston Spa We t h e r b y, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ United Kingdom Telephone: +44-1937-546123 or 546124 Fax: +44-1937-546478 E-mail: ifla@bl.uk ¥ Programme Director: Graham Cornish E-mail: graham.cornish@bl.uk ¥ Research Officers: Pauline Connolly E-mail: pauline.connolly@bl.uk Sara Gould E-mail: sara.gould@bl.uk Sarah Ke a t e s E-mail: sarah.keates@bl.uk Judy Wa t k i n s E-mail: judy. w a t k i n s @ b l . u k ¥ Office Administrator Louise Hluddlestone E-mail: louise.hluddlestone@bl.uk Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC (UBCIM) Die Deutsche Bibliothek Adickesallee 1 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Telephone: +49-69-1525-1140 or 1141 Fax: +49-69-1525-1142 E-mail: iflaubcim@ddb.de ¥ Programme Director: Marie-France Plassard E-mail: plassard@dbf. d d b . d e ¥ Programme Assistant: Stephanie Ra t t h e i E-mail: ratthei@dbf. d d b . d e Universal Dataflow and Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ( U D T ) Information Technology Services National Library of Canada 395 Wellington Street Ottawa, Canada K1A 0N4 Telephone: +1-819-994-6963 Fax: +1-819-994-6835 E-mail: udt@ ¥ Programme Director: Leigh Swain E-mail: leigh.swain@ Telephone: +1 819 994 6833 ¥ Programme Officer and IFLANet Coordinator: Gary Cleveland E-mail: gary. c l e v e l a n d @ u d t . i f l a . o r g Telephone: +1-819-997-7002 ¥ Consultant UDT: Terry Ku n y E-mail: terry. k u n y @ u d t . i f l a . o r g Telephone: +1-819-997-9046 ¥ Administrative Officer: Louise Lantaigne E-mail: louise.lantaigne@ Telephone: +1-819-994-6963 44 7-9 D E C E M B E R 1998 Paris, France. Christine Deschamps and Sjoerd Koopman represent IFLA at the 12th Session of the Intergovernmental Council for PGI where The School Library Manifesto was approved. 8 D E C E M B E R 1998 London, UK. Kay Raseroka and Stanley Made receive Centenary Medals at the Centenary Royal Charter of the UK Library Association. Leo Voogt attends th


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