Universal QED Corrections to Polarized Electron Scattering in Higher Orders.pdf

Universal QED Corrections to Polarized Electron Scattering in Higher Orders.pdf

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Universal QED Corrections to Polarized Electron Scattering in Higher Orders

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 0 2 0 7 2 5 9 v 1 2 2 J u l 2 0 0 2 1 DESY 02-099 hep-ph/0207259 July 2002 Universal QED Corrections to Polarized Electron Scattering in Higher Orders Johannes Blu?mlein and Hiroyuki Kawamura Deutsches Elektronen–Synchrotron, DESY Platanenallee 6 D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany Abstract We derive QED radiators for the universal corrections to polarized electron scattering. To 5th order in the coupling constant the flavor non-singlet and singlet contributions are calculated. We derive the non-singlet and singlet exponentiation of the leading terms ∝ (α ln2(x))k to all orders. Contribution to DIS 2002, April 2002, Cracow. Universal QED Corrections to Polarized Electron Scattering in Higher Orders ? Johannes Blu?mlein and Hiroyuki Kawamura Deutsches Elektronen–Synchrotron, DESY, Platanenallee 6, D–15738 Zeuthen, Germany We derive QED radiators for the universal corrections to polarized electron scattering. To 5th order in the coupling constant the flavor non-singlet and singlet contributions are calculated. We derive the non-singlet and singlet exponentiation of the leading terms ∝ (α ln2(x))k to all orders. 1. Introduction QED corrections to differential cross sections can be quite large in some kinematic regions both in deep inelastic scattering [1] and e+e? scattering. Besides of the process-dependent radiative QED corrections in all the scat- tering processes classes of universal contributions emerge, which, when having been known once at high precision have not to be calculated again, but can just be used in novel applications. These contributions may be attributed to radiation from outer legs (light fermions) and correspond to those due to i) leading order mass factorization and ii) the resummation of leading order universal contributions ∝ (α ln2(x))k to all orders. The latter terms form universal pieces in the higher order anomalous dimension matrices [2]–[5]. In Ref. [6] we derived the corrections and give a brief summary here. 2. Compl


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