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ARTICLE IN PRESS0195-6663/$ - se doi:10.1016/j.ap Correspond E-mail addrAppetite 48 (2007) 54–68 /locate/appetResearch report Consumer-perceived quality in ‘traditional’ food chains: The case of the Greek meat supply chain Athanassios Krystallisa,, George Chryssochoidisa, Joachim Scholdererb aLaboratory of Agribusiness Management, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, Evelpidi Building, Votanikos, GR 11855 Athens, Greece bMAPP, Aarhus School of Business, Haslegaardsvej 10, DK 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark Received 15 October 2005; received in revised form 27 June 2006; accepted 28 June 2006Abstract Recent food scares have increased consumer concern about meat safety. However, the Greek ‘traditional’ meat supply chain from producers to local butchers does not seem to realise the pressing consumer demand for certified meat quality. Or is it that, in such food chains, this demand is not so pressing yet? The present paper seeks to answer this question based on a survey conducted in the Athens area, involving a sample of 268 participants responsible for food purchasing decisions. The survey mainly aims to develop an integrated model of factors that affect consumer-perceived meat quality and to develop the profile of different consumer segments in relation to these perceptions. The substantial findings of the survey include the fact that, despite their enormous per capita consumption, the majority of consumers are not particularly involved in the meat-purchasing process. Rather they attach importance to visual intrinsic quality cues evaluated in a pre-purchasing context. In this respect, intrinsic quality cues are assigned a role similar to that of quality certification; coupled with the choice of traditional channels and the resulting personal relation with the butcher, they can be understood as efforts to decrease risk of the purchasing decision. Moreover, consumers with such behaviour seem to relate domestic country of origin of meat mostly with perceptions of ge



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