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热加工工艺基础(论文) 题 目: 爆炸焊接技术的展望 专业名称: 机械设计制造及其自动化 指导老师: 樊 老 师 学 院: 船 山 学 院 班 级: 09机械01班 学 号: 20099410102 学生姓名: X X 2011年 12月 6日 论铸造与焊接工艺的优劣 摘要:铸造和焊接的工艺是机械工业中不可或缺的加工方式,可以根据两工艺的应用种类、范围、力学分析、工序及缺陷分析和控制综合对比两种工艺的特点,以便更好地了解这两种工艺,为以后的学习奠定基础。 本人通过查阅大量文献资料和实验结论总结了以上两种工艺的特点以及分析两种工艺的优劣。总结分析表明:其中铸造的原材料大都来源广泛,价格较低,工艺装备及设备的投资费用较低,在各类机械产品中,铸件质量占整机质量的比重很大;焊接应用几乎不受限制,主要用来制造机器零件、部件和工具等,有连接性能好,省料、省工、成本低,重量轻,简化工艺。主要缺点是:铸造的铸件组织疏松,力学性能较差;铸造工序多,难以精确控制;焊接的结构是不可拆卸的,不便更换、修理部分零件,接头的力学性能不如母材,而且会产生残余应力和焊接变形等缺陷。 Abstract:casting and welding processes is indispensable in the mechanical industry, processing methods can be applied in accordance with the two types of processes, scope, mechanics analysis, processes and error control integrated seamless and compares the two craft character in order to better understand how the two craft, lay the foundation for future learning. I passed a substantial literature information available and experimental conclusions summarized above two technics characterized by two technics of analysis as well as disadvantages. Summary: the casting of raw materials analysis shows that most widely, sources at a lower price, technical equipment and equipment investment in low-cost, quality castings in all types of machinery products accounted for a great proportion of the whole machine quality; welding applications, which are used for virtually unrestricted manufacturing machine parts, components and tools, such as good performance, and materials that are linked up and low-cost, light weight, and streamline processes. The main disadvantage is that foundry casting organizations: Osteoporosis is a relatively poor performance, and mechanics; casting process, it will be difficult to control the exact structure; welding of inconvenience which can not be demolished, replacem


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