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Chapter 8 Transcription and RNA splicing 1 Part I Prokaryote gene transcription The function of RNA polymerase is to copy one strand of duplex DNA into RNA. 3 Transcription involves synthesis of an RNA chain representing one strand of a DNA duplex. By representing we mean that the RNA is identical in sequence with one strand of the DNA, which is called the coding strand. It is complementary to the other strand, which provides the template for its synthesis. This relationship between double-stranded DNA and its single-stranded RNA transcript is recapitulated in Figure 9.1. 转录实现了表达DNA双螺旋中一条键的RNA链的合成。这里表达的意思就是RNA与DNA的一条链序列是相同的,这条链叫做编码链,RNA与另外一条为它的合成提供模板的链互补,双链DNA与转录产生的RHA之间的关系如图Fig11.1所示。 图11.1:概观:RNA聚合酶的功能是复制双链DNA的其中一条链形成RNA 模板链 转录 RNA转录 密码链 RNA序列与模板链互补与密码链相同 RNA是聚合酶催化RNA的合成,在RNA聚合酶与DNA基因的起始端一段特别的区域——启动子结合时,RNA转录便开始了。启动子位于起始点即转录成RNA的第一个碱基处周围。从这一点开始,RNA聚合酶沿模板向前移动,同时合成RNA,直到到达结束序列。这一过程确定了从启动子到终止子之间的一个转录单元。 第十二章将讨论调节蛋白利用各种方法识别转录的基因来促进成抑制细菌RNA聚合酶。第十三章中讲叙单个的调节作用可以归结入调节网中。第二十八和二十九章讨论真核RNA聚合酶与他们的模板之间的与上述相似的相互作用。 (转录不是RNA合成的唯一途径。RNA病毒具有以自身RNA基因 为模板合成RNA的酶:这种瓜产生了感染周期所必须的为蛋白质编码的mRNA。并且提供RNA基因且使感染周期持续下去,但是细胞中合成RNA只有队DNA为模板进行转录这一条途径)。 A transcription unit 转录单元is a sequence of DNA transcribed into a single RNA, starting at the promoter and ending at the terminator. 4 RNA synthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme RNA polymerase. Transcription starts when RNA polymerase binds to a special region, the promoter, at the start of the gene. The promoter surrounds the first base pair that is transcribed into RNA, the startpoint. From this point, RNA polymerase moves along the template, synthesizing RNA, until it reaches a terminator sequence. This action defines a transcription unit that extends from the promoter to the terminator. The critical feature of the transcription unit, depicted in Figure 9.2, is that it constitutes a stretch of DNA expressed via the production of a single RNA molecule. A transcription unit may include more than one gene. 转录


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