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哈尔滨应用职业技术学院毕业论文  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT - 16 - 哈尔滨职业应用技术学院 毕业论文设计 题目离合器常见故障诊断与排除 系别 汽车工程系 专业汽车检测与维修 学生姓名 申成鑫 指导教师 唐金鑫 摘要 离合器是汽车传动系的组成部件之一.它位于发动机与变速器之间。在汽车行驶过程中.驾驶员为了适应不同使用情况的需要。常常要频繁地踩下,松开离合器踏板.使发动机与传动系暂时分离以中断动力传递。随后又使之逐渐结合.以便传递动力.因为高合器使用频繁.离合器零件不可避免地产生磨损或损坏,致使离合器的技术状态变差而出现故障,离合器在使用过程中,经常出现的故障主要有离合器打滑、分离不彻底、发抖、异响等故障类型。因此,正确安装、使用、维护都有利于提高离合器的使用寿命。本篇论文重点讨论轿车离合器的故障分析及维修方法,通过离合器故障的探讨,正确认识离合器故障,更好的使用和维护离合器。? 关键词:??离合器;诊断与排除;常见故障 abstract The clutch is one of the components of the automobile transmission system, which is located between the engine and the transmission. In the course of the automobile driving, the driver needs to adapt to different conditions of use. Often frequently stepped down, release the clutch pedal. The engine and the transmission system temporarily separated to interrupt power transmission. Then make combined gradually. In order to transfer power. Because of the high alloy is used frequently. Clutch parts inevitably produce wear or damage, resulting in the technical state of the clutch and the failure, the clutch in the use process, often appear the fault main clutch slip, separation is not complete, trembling, abnormal sound and fault type. Therefore, proper installation, use and maintenance are beneficial to improve the service life of the clutch. This paper focuses on the fault analysis and maintenance method of car clutch, clutch failure through discussion, a correct understanding of the clutch fault, better use and maintenance of clutch. Keywords: clutch; fault diagnosis and troubleshooting; ? 目?录? ?前言? 1离合器常见故障与原因分析?? ?1.1?离合器打滑?? ?1.1.1?故障现象? ?1.1.2?故障原因?? ?1.1.3?故障排除?? 1.2?离合器分离不彻底?? 1.2.1?故障现象?? 1.2.2?故障原因?? 1.2.3?故障排除?? 1.3?换档困难?? ?1.3.1?故障现象?? 1.3.2?故障原因?? 1.3.3?故障排除?? 1.4?离合器发抖?? 1.4.1?故障现象?? 1.4.2?故障原因?? 1.4.3?故障排除?? 1.5?离合器异响?? ?1.5.1?故障现象?? ?1.5.2?故障原因?? 1.5.3?故障排除?? ?结论?? 前??言??? 开放几十年来,中国在经济上得到了很大的发展,在很多方面都取得了重大的成就,在工业上,汽车产业发展更是取得了令世界瞩目的成就。特别是2001年12月中国正式加入WTO后,中国汽车工业国际化已经不可逆转。随着社会经济的快速发展和人们消费理念的逐渐更新,汽车已成为现代社会中人们工作、生活不可


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