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摘要:闲置土地是指国有建设用地使用权人超过国有建设用地使用权有偿使用合同或者划拨决定书约定、规定的动工开发日期满一年未动工开发的国有建设用地。已动工开发但开发建设用地面积占应动工开发建设用地总面积不足三分之一或者已投资额占总投资额不足百分之二十五,中止开发建设满一年的国有建设用地,也可以认定为闲置土地。然而在实地调研、考察以及大量相关资料分析的基础上,发现我国闲置土地分为很多类型,并据此将开发区闲置土地划分为规划控制型、区位不理想型、经济实力欠佳型、开发效益较低型和技术支撑不够型等5种类型。本文通过探讨开发区闲置土地现状、成因,总结出了闲置土地治理的现实障碍和具体路径。因此,今后开发区闲置土地治理的路径是,创新开发区供地和用地机制,改革土地储备、集体建设用地流转制度,建立开发区用地企业综合审查机制,减少闲置土地来源; 完善闲置土地处置法制体制,修改闲置土地认定标准,建立闲置土地查处的多部门联合执法模式及公众参与机制,增加闲置土地违法成本; 健全和创新闲置土地处置机制,落实征而未供、供而未用的耕地恢复耕种的制度,建立企业闲置建设用地的流转机制和闲置土地利益纠纷协调解决机制,加速闲置土地再利用。
On the use of idle land
Abstract: the idle land is state-owned construction land use right more than the state-owned construction land use right to compensation for the use of contract or decision on the allocation of agreement, the provisions of the date of commencement of the development of full year did not start for the development of the state-owned construction land. Has started development but the development and construction land area accounts should start construction and development of land with a total area of less than a third of or investment accounted for a total investment of less than 25 percent, the development and construction of the suspension with a year of state-owned construction land, can also be identified as idle land. However in the field research, study and correlation analysis of a large amount of data based on that idle land in our country divided into many types, and accordingly the development area of idle land is divided for planning control type, location is not ideal, economic strength of poor type, low efficient development and technical support is not enough type 5 types. In this paper, the status quo and causes of idle land in the development zone are discussed, and the practical obstacles and ways of the management of idle land are summarized. Therefore, path of development zone of idle land in the future is the innovation of governance, development zone for land and land reform, land reserve mechanism, the constru
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