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北航《民航英语1》在线作业三 一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. Th nws hs just () tht th prsint is going to visit hin nxt month. . om own . om up . om out . om out 正确答案: 2. t ystry’s prty, lizth’s oyrin mus us y () hrli hplin. . opying . ollowing . imitting . moling 正确答案: 3. ll humn ings hv omortl zon rgulting th () thy kp rom somon thy tlk with. . istn . sop . rng . ounry 正确答案: 4. It gv m strng ling o xitmnt to s my nm in (). . prospt . print . pross . prss 正确答案: 5. Th mngr urg his st not to () th splni opportunity. . rop . miss . sp . sli 正确答案: 6. Jo is not goo t sports, ut whn it () mthmtis, h is th ‘st in th lss. . oms to . oms up to . oms on to . oms roun to 正确答案: 7. H sk us to () thm in rrying through thir pln. . provi . rous . ssist . prsist 正确答案: 8. It is too rly to sy whthr IM’s omptitors will l to () thir prouts to th nw hrwr t n orl ost. . pt . stik . yil . opt 正确答案: 9. H ws suh () spkr tht h hl our ttntion vry minut o th thr-hour ltur. . spii . ynmi . hroi . iplomti 正确答案: 10. It is high tim tht suh prtis (). . r n . n . wr n . must n 正确答案: 11. Th () t th militry my is so rigi tht stunts n hrly r it. . onvntion . oninmnt . prinipl . isiplin 正确答案: 12. You shoul try to () your mition n mor rlisti. . rsrv . rstrin . rtin . rpl 正确答案: 13. Th group o thniins r ngg in stuy whih () ll spts o urn plnning. . insrts . grips . prorms . mrs 正确答案: 14. otors wrn ginst hwing too s () or smoking. . rli . rvivl . sustitut . sussion 正确答案: 15. I I () hrr t shool, I woul sitting in omortl oi now. . work . wr to work . h work . wr working 正确答案: 16. Thy wr () mission to th militry xhiition us thy wr orignrs. . ni . lin . priv . rjt 正确答案: 17. vryon shoul () to nt stnr o living n n opportunity to ut. . ttriut . ntitl . intii . justii 正确答案: 18. It is importnt to () twn th ruls o grmmr n th onvntions o writtn lngug. . trmin . intiy . xplor . istinguish 正确答案: 19. His usinss ws vry sussul, ut it ws t th () o his mily li. . onsumption . rit . xhustion . xpns 正确答案: 20. In


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