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摘 要 一般部分为同煤集团塔山矿10.0Mt/a新井设计。塔山东西长约15.10~18.54 km,南北宽9.36~12.56 km,井田面积约174.1903 km2。主采煤层为3-5#煤,煤层倾角为1°~3°,平均约2°,属于近水平煤层,煤层平均总厚为13.7m。 井田工业储量为2291.79Mt,矿井可采储量1627.125Mt。矿井服务年限为108.4 a,只有一个水平。矿井正常涌水量为521m3/h,最大涌水量为833m3/h。矿井最大相对瓦斯涌出量6.48 m3/t,属于低瓦斯矿井。 井田开拓方式为双立井开拓,井田采用盘区式布置方式,共划分为六个盘区,轨道大巷、胶带机大巷和回风大巷皆为岩石大巷,布置在煤层底板岩层中。 针对北一盘区,共划分1个回采工作面,并进行了通风、运煤、运料、排水、排矸、供电系统设计。针对35101工作面进行了采煤工艺设计。该工作面煤层平均厚度为13.7m,平均倾角2°。矿井年工作日为276d,工作制度为“四六”制,工作面采用长壁综放采煤法。采用双滚筒采煤机割煤,往返一次割两刀。截深0.8m,每天十个循环,循环进尺8.0m,月推进度240 m。 大巷采用胶带输送机运煤,辅助运输采用无轨胶轮车运料。矿井通风方式前期为中央并列列式,后期为中央边界式通风。主井采用箕斗提升,副井井筒内装一套大宽罐笼(可装载5t无轨胶轮车)和一套小罐笼运料和升降人员。 专题部分题目是浅析高应力软岩巷道围岩变形控制技术。 翻译部分主要内容是煤矿构筑物材料技术发展与安全性评价,其英文题目为:Technology developments and mine safety engineering evaluations. 关键词:塔山矿;双立井;盘区布置;中央并列式;巷道围岩 ABSTRACT The general part is a new design forTa Shan mine. The length of the minefield is about 15.10 ~ 18.54 km, north and south wide 9.36 ~12.56 km, field with an area of about 174.1903 km2. The 3-5# is the main coal seam. The dip angle of the coal is 1~3 degree and the average one is 2 degree. The average thickness of the coal is 8.9m in 3-5#. The provedrecoverable reserves of the minefield are2291.79million tons, and the minable reserves are 1627.125million tons. The designed productive capacity is 10.0 million tons per year, and the service life of the mine is 108.4 years. The normal flow of the mine is 521m3 per hour and the max flow of the mine is 833m3 per hour. The relative mine gas gush is 6.48m3/t, It is a low gas mine. Mine to open up the way for the development of the double shaft mine by panel arrangement, is divided into six areas of disc, track roadway, belt conveyor roadway and return air roadway for rock roadway layout in the seam floor. In the north a panel divided a mining working face, and ventilation, coal, transport material, drainage and gangue, power supply system design. Coal mining technology design was carried out for 35101 working face. The average thickness of the coal seam is 13.7m, with an averag


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