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南方医科大学本科专业教学大纲 口腔颌面医学影像诊断学 Oral and Maxillofacial Medical Imaging 适用专业:口腔医学专业(五年制本科) 执笔人:吕晓智 审定人:吴补领 学院负责人:耿仁文 南方医科大学教务处 二○○六年十二月 一、课程简介 1、课程的特点、目的和任务 口腔颌面医学影像诊断学(课程编码B090027)是口腔医学本科专业必修课程之一,是由口腔医学过渡到口腔医学临床的一门重要的桥梁课程。主要包括口腔颌面放射生物学,口腔放射防护,口腔颌面影像检查技术和对牙及牙周组织病变,颌面骨炎症,颌骨囊肿,肿瘤和瘤样病变,外伤,涎腺疾病,颞下颌关节疾病,系统病在口腔、颅、颌面骨的表现以及口腔颌面部介入放射学和口腔种植放射学等方面的医学影像内容。 主要培养学生对口腔颌面部常见疾病的X线诊断能力。 2、课程教学的基本要求 ?????掌握口腔颌面部常见疾病的影像学表现和诊断及鉴别诊断方法;熟悉口腔颌面医学影像诊断学的基础知识与基本技术原理,熟悉各类影像检查技术在口腔颌面部的应用特点;了解口腔颌面部影像诊断学的新近展和新技术。 3、先修课程:《口腔解剖生理学》、《口腔组织病理学》 4、并修课程:《口腔颌面外科学》《牙体牙髓病学》、《牙周病学》 3、教学安排及学时 教学安排及时间分配:总学时40学时,其中系统理论课20学时,实习课20学时,学分1.5学分,第五年临床实习40学时。 The course of Image Diagnosis of Oral Maxillofacial Region, as a required subject for stomatology undergraduates of five academic years form, aim mainly to train the X-ray diagnosis ability for common disease in oral maxillofacial region. By systemic theory lecture and experimental curriculum, students should master imaging manifestation and diagnostic differential diagnostic methods for common disease in oral maxillofacial region, be familiar with basic knowledge and principle of Image Diagnosis of Oral Maxillofacial Region, application character of every image examining technology in oral maxillofacial region,realize the last advancements and technology of Image Diagnosis of Oral Maxillofacial Region .The course includes 20 class hours time on system theory and the same time on noviciation or practice which costs 1.5 credits. In the fifth year, students should take 20 class time in clinical practice. The course will adopt several teaching forms as follows: systemic theory lecture, experiment, clinical noviciate, reading and reporting conference. Means of teaching are vivid , such as multimedia, picture and protocol of clinical cases. The course emphasize to educate the ability of thinking independently, the ability of resolving factual problem, and the ability of clinical diagnosis. 二、教学内容与要求 第一章?绪论 第二章 口腔放射生物学 第三章?口腔X线检查的放射生物学和防护(2学时) 【概述】 熟悉:本学科在口腔颌面部诊断及检查的


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