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Rust Borrowed Pointers Tutorial(翻译) 1. Introduction(介绍) 2. By example(使用示例) 3. Other uses for the operator(对操作符的其它使用方式) 4. Taking the address of fields(取成员地址) 5. Borrowing managed boxes and rooting(从托管盒子借来指针和根植) 6. Borrowing unique boxes(从自有盒子借指针) 7. Borrowing and enums(借贷和枚举) 8. Returning borrowed pointers(返回借贷指针) 9. Named lifetimes(对生存期命名) 10. Conclusion() 1. Introduction(介绍) Borrowed pointers are one of the more flexible and powerful tools available in Rust.(借贷指针是Rust最为灵活强大的工具之一。) A borrowed pointer can point anywhere: into the managed or exchange heap, into the stack, and even into the interior of another data structure.(借贷指针可以指向任何地方:托管堆、交换堆或者栈,甚至是另一个数据结构的内部。) A borrowed pointer is as flexible as a C pointer or C++ reference.(借贷指针和C指针或者C++的引用一样灵活。) However, unlike C and C++ compilers, the Rust compiler includes special static checks that ensure that programs use borrowed pointers safely.(然而,和C/C++编译器不同,Rust编译器包含了特别的静态检查以确保程序安全的使用借贷指针。) Another advantage of borrowed pointers is that they are invisible to the garbage collector, so working with borrowed pointers helps reduce the overhead of automatic memory management.(借贷指针的另一上特点是,它们对垃圾回收器不可见,因此使用借贷指针有助于降低自动内存管理的开销。) Despite their complete safety, a borrowed pointers representation at runtime is the same as that of an ordinary pointer in a C program.(尽管它们完全安全,借贷指针的运行时表示和普通C指针是一样的。) They introduce zero overhead.(它们不引入任何开销。) The compiler does all safety checks at compile time.(编译器所有安全检查发生在编译期。) Although borrowed pointers have rather elaborate theoretical underpinnings (region pointers), the core concepts will be familiar to anyone who has worked with C or C++.(尽管借贷指针拥有相当详细的理论基础(区域指针),其核心概念对任何使用C/C++的人熟悉。) Therefore, the best way to explain how they are used—and their limitations—is probably just to work through several examples.(因此,解释它们使用方式和限制的最好方法就是,通过几个例子。) 2. By example(示例) Borrowed pointers are called borrowed because they are only valid for a limited duration.(借贷指针之所以叫借贷,是因为它们只在有限时间内有效。) Borrowed pointers neve


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