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第一组:Yes, I do; No, I don’t 之外的其它情况 注解 Sure That’s for sure Absolutely (not) Definitely (not) Certainly (not) No doubt about it Not necessarily Well, actually… Well, obviously, … Well, honestly… Well, to tell you the truth… Um, to be honest, … As a matter of fact, … Well, I’m not really sure, but I guess so, cos… 15. Well, it really depends. 16. Well, it obviously varies from person to person. 17. Well, it’s difficult to say, cos… 18. Not really/exactly 19. Not much. 1-6 都是用来表示“当然,那是自然,这是肯定的”之类的意思。 7 意为“未必,不一定” 8-13 表示你要说的话可能和考官的期望不同或相反。 14 表示你对考官所问的内容不是很清楚,但你觉得是这样的。 15 表示你认为有几个可能的因素,而非一个。 16. 表示因人而异 17. 表示 “这个很难说的啦”。 18. 表示 “不完全是” 19. 表示 “不是很多(频率),或者不是很喜欢(程度)” 第二组:除了 I like…; I don’t like… 你还会说什么.(按最喜欢-最不喜欢排列) 例句 …is my biggest passion in life. Be obsessed with… Be addicted to… Be hooked on… I’m crazy/mad about… I’m a huge/great fan of… I absolutely adore… I absolutely love… I’m into… I’m not very much into… I’m not a big fan of… I dislike… …is not my thing. I really hate… I can’t stand… Basketball is my biggest passion in life. Lots of children and teenagers are obsessed with computer games.. I’m crazy about LV bags. I’m huge fan of him. I absolutely adore you. I absolutely love Sichuan food. I’m into Korean songs. I’m so into you. Unlike most girls, I’m not very much into shopping. I’m not a big fan of photography. I dislike anything that’s oily and spicy. Dancing is just not my thing. I really hate travelling by train. I can’t stand the smell of it. 第三组:how often?频率 (按最频繁-从不排列) 例句 I ….all the time I …almost every day I …whenever I want I …a lot I don’t…very often I…once in a while I rarely… I hardly ever… I never… He complains all the time. I eat it almost every day. I go shopping whenever I want. I dine out a lot. I don’t go to the cinema very often. I only go to the cinema once in a while. I rarely borrow money from my friends. It rarely rains here in summer. I hardly ever go to the restaurant/go to the



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