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雅思口语指南大全 一 雅思口语考试一般流程 进入候考室——到指定考室外等待 ——考官出来叫你进去——考官自我介绍及简短面试 ——第一部分——第二部分——第三部分——考试结束 二 雅思口语考试三个部分真题范例 Part 1 (4-5minutes) What’s your full name please? May I have your ID card, please? Now, in the first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself. Let’s first talk about your hometown. What kind of city is your hometown? What’s it famous for? What do you like about the city? What do you dislike about it? Ok. Let’s move on to the topic of driving. Do/Can you drive? What age do you think is the best for getting a driving license? Do you think school should provide driving lessons for students? Now, let’s talk about something else. Do you prefer writing by hand or writing using the computer? Do you think handwriting is still important today? How can children today improve their handwriting? 备注: 这部分属于聊天性质,说话应尽量自然,简单,随意一些,不可成段背诵从书上抄来的书面语。 one-word answer应避免。考生应首先对考官的问题做出回应,然后再说上两三句话。 考官随时可能打断你,因为他必须控制考试的时间,所以你不用担心,静静听下一个问题就是了。 Part 2 (3-4 minutes) Describe someone you know who is good at cooking You should say: who this person is how you know him or her what kinds of food s/he cooks and explain how (you think) this person became so good at cooking. 备注: 卡片由考官选择,不是考生自己选择。 在拿到卡片后,考生有一分钟思考准备时间。 考官会给你纸笔作笔记。 做笔记可以采取你喜欢的任何方式。 如果卡片看不懂,可以问考官,但考官可以不作答。 一分钟结束后,考官会告诉你可以开始讲了。 在你说话的过程中,考官只听不说。 你说完后,考官一般会接着问一两个后续问题,只需简单作答即可。 第二部分结束后,考官将收回卡片,笔和草稿纸。 Part 3 (4-5 minutes) Subtopic 1: Chinese food and western food How does western food like KFC impact (on) traditional Chinese food? Do you think traditional Chinese food will be more popular in the future? In your view, how is western food different from Chinese food? Subtopic2: eating at home In your country, do family members often eat at home together? Do you think it important for people to eat at home? Subtopic3: food safety Is food safety a serious problem in your country? Do schools and universities provide healthy food for students in your country? 备注: 这部分的考试模式和第一部分是一样的,一问一答。 这部分的问题不再是关于你



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