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项目三级管理人员安全考核计划 Plan for Safety Exam Evaluation of Three-Level Project Managerial Staff 建立和健全以安全生产责任制为中心的各项安全管理制度,是保障安全生产的重要组织手段。为明确项目部管理人员在施工生产活动中应负的安全职责,进一步贯彻落实安全生产责任制,特对项目部管理人员安全生产责任制实行定期考核。 It is the important way from organization to assure safety production by establishing and improving the safety management rules and regulations which focus the safety production responsibility. To identify the responsibility of the safety production of each project management persons, and further implement the safety production responsibility system, the plan is so prepared to periodically test and evaluate its implementation of safety production responsibility. 一、 考核对象The persons to be tested: 一级,项目经理、施工经理 Level I: project manager, construction manager 二级,安全经理,质量经理,技术经理,合同经理,后勤经理,人事经理,采购物资经理 Level II: safety manager, quality manager, technical manager, contract manager, administration manager, HR manager, purchase manager. 三级,工程师,专业负责人,班组长,辅助工种负责人。 Level III: engineer, discipline leader, foreman, head of supplemental trade of workers. 二、考核人Tester: 1、公司负责考核一级:项目经理和施工经理: Company is responsible for testing Level I persons: project manager and construction manager. 2、项目经理负责考核二级和三级。 Project manager is responsible for testing Level II and Level III persons. 三、考核期:每季度。Testing cycle: quarterly 四、考核形式:采用考核表评分形式。 Testing method: use the Checklist for Exam and Evaluation for scoring. 五、考核评价:考核分值满分为100分,考核得分值在85分及其以上为优良,考核得分值在70分及其以上为合格,考核得分值在70分以下为不合格。(考核表还需进一步完善) Exam and evaluation: full marks will be 100, it will be excellent if result is 85 or plus, and good if scored 70 or plus, failed if lower than 70 scores. 六、考核奖罚:根据项目部制定的奖罚制度在工程项目结束或年度经济分配中进行奖罚兑现。 Reward and punishment: it will be executed when the project comes to end or distribute the annual operation economic bonus. 项目经理安全生产责任制考核表 Checklist for Exam and Evualtion on Safety Production Responsibility System of Project Manager 工程名称: Project Name: *** 序 号 No 考核内容 Test Items 扣 分 标 准 Deduction Sta


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