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Risk Assessment 风险评估 Robin Wang 2015-5-12 Content 内容 1. Introduction 介绍 2. Relevant Requirement 相关要求 3. Risk Assessment Overview 概述 4. Hazard Identification 危害识别 5. Risk Evaluation 危害评估 6. Risk Control Measures 控制措施 7. Record Keeping 记录保持 8. Implementation Review 实施及回顾 What is Risk Assessment?何为风险评估 Risk Assessment is a systematic approach to identify hazards, evaluate risk and incorporate appropriate measures to manage and mitigate risk for any work process or activity. 风险评估是一个系统的方法来识别风险,评估风险,采取适当的措施来管理和减轻工作或活动过程中的风险。 What is Risk Assessment?何为风险评估 Risk Assessment is not a product of perception or experience but an evaluation base on facts 风险评估不是凭借感知或经验,而是基于事实。 Definition for some Basic Words 相关定义 Safety – Freedom from harm 安全-免于伤害 Hazard – Potential to cause harm such as death, injury, ill health or damage to property 危害-潜在的造成死亡、基本或财产损失 Risk – Likelihood of the hazard resulting in harm and the severity of the effects from the hazard. 风险-造成伤害的可能性,以及该伤害造成后果的严重程度 Risk = Severity x Probability (likelihood of Occurrence) 风险=严重度X发生概率 Why Risk Assessment?为何风险评估 Key to Prevention of Accidents and Adverse Consequences 是预防事故和不良后果的关键 Assurance on a Safe Workplace 保证我们安全工作场所 Compliance of National laws and requirement from the group 符合法律以及集团的要求 Risk Concepts 风险的概念 Consequences Risk Concepts 风险的概念 Legal Requirement 风险评估的法律要求 Relevant Requirement 相关要求 中华人民共和国安全生产法 —2014年12月1日起施行; ??????? 第三十八条 生产经营单位应当建立健全生产安全事故隐患排查治理制度,采取技术、管理措施,及时发现并消除事故隐患。 集团规定 DT-S01-E02 Revision:September 2009 Roles Responsibilities 职责分配 Risk Assessor-Department/UAP manager/Supervisor 1. Identify Workplace Potential hazards 识别工作场所存在的安全风险 2. Evaluate Workplace Risks 对风险进行评估 3. Propose control measures to mitigate risks 提出降低风险的措施建议 4. Submit assessment report to Management Team for implementation of control measures 向管理层提交风险评估报告以实施风险控制措施 5. Submit a copy of completed RA to HSE for record 向HSE提交风险评


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