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摘 要 科举是隋唐以来我国封建王朝通过考试选拔官吏的一种制度。由于采用分科取士的办法,所以叫做科举。中国古代科举制度最早起源于隋代,唐王朝的帝王对它做了进一步的完善。它对当时的社会影响很大,却很少有人知道宋代科举制不仅对当时社会、文化、风俗、婚姻等产生了深远的影响,而且对今天的人才选拔制度也有很好的研究参考价值。 科举影响还波及国外,对朝鲜、越南、日本及欧洲都有影响,甚至影响到了西方各国,为西方文官考试制度的建立提供了经验。“科举制度后为西方文官制度所借鉴,其对世界文明的贡献可与四大发明相媲美。”故此有人称科举是中国文明的第五大发明。今天的考试制度在一定程度上仍是科举制度的延续。 那么,宋代科举制究竟作了哪些变革,使其影响古今中外? 关键词:科举;分科取士;变革;影响 Abstract Sui and Tang Dynasties Imperial Chinas feudal dynasty through the examination official selection of a system. Due to the adoption of the division of people get method, so called the imperial. The imperial examination system in ancient China originated in the Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty emperors, it was further improved. It is the social impact is very big, but very few people know the Song Dynasty imperial examination system not only on the society, culture, custom, marriage produced far-reaching effect, but also for todays talent selection system also has the very good reference value. The impact has spread abroad, to North Korea, Vietnam, Japan and Europe have influence, even to the western countries, for the western civil service examination system set up to provide experience. The imperial examination system for the western civil service system, it s contribution to world civilization with the four great inventions of comparable. It is said that the Chinese civilization is the fifth great inventions. Todays exam system in a certain extent still is the continuance of the imperial examination system. Then,the Song Dynasty imperial examination system is made what changes, so that at all times and in all countries? Keyword: Imperial Examination; Branch take person;change;impact 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 III 前言 - 1 - 一、科举考试形式的改革 - 2 - 1、宋代的科举放宽了录取的范围 - 2 - 2、提高了科举及第后的地位和待遇 - 2 - 3、“三舍法”的制定 - 3 - 4、宋代确立了三年一次的三级考试制度 - 3 - 5、确立殿试制度 - 3 - 6、限制大官僚及世家子弟的考试 - 4 - 7、从宋代开始建立防止徇私的新制度 - 4 - 8、限制知贡举(主考官)的权力 - 4 - 二、科举考试内容的改革 - 5 - 1、王安石对考试内容的改革 - 5 - 2、词科之设 - 5 - 三、科举对古今学子的影响 - 5 - 四、科举对婚姻的影响 - 6 - 五、科举制对西方文官制度的影响


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