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对策理论的实际应用 楼泽坤 李伟 舒彦渝 李玉龙 摘要 2 Abstract 3 is game theory with boundedly rational agents.前言 3 1.博弈在中国 4 2.博弈论历史 4 一、蒙提霍尔悖论 5 1.问题 5 2.解答 6 从这里我们可以看出对策理论就是使用数学的方法代替经验和常识来研究对策行为中竞争各方是否存在最合理行动方案,然后使用合理的行动方案解决问题二、对策的要素 6 局中人Player 7 局中人是理性的 7 策略Strategy 7 赢得函数 7 三、二人零和对策 8 例题1 8 例题二 10 目录: P2— 对策论简介 P4— 蒙提霍尔悖论 P6— 对策的要素 P—7 二人零和对策在实际问题解决中的应用 P— 实际问题1 P— 实际问题2 P— 矩阵对策的混合策略在实际问题中的应用 P— 实际问题1 P— 实际问题2 P— 结论:对策理论对解决实际问题的帮助 摘要 博弈论(Game Theory)又名对策论,游戏论 博弈论,英文为Game theory,是研究相互依赖、相互影响的决策主体的理性决策行为以及这些决策的均衡结果的理论。 博弈论试图研究既存在冲突又存在合作的情况下(如寡头垄断)人们的决策行为。博弈是一种势态,在该势态中,两个或更多的参与人都在追求他他们各自的利益,没有人能够支配结果。 博弈的过程就是一个策略上的相互作用过程。这使得任何一方的行为都必须考虑到对方可能作出的反映。 在众多策略模式中,占有重要地位的是二人有限零和对策(Finite Two-person Zero-sum Game),又称为矩阵对策,以及二人有限非零和对策,又称为双矩阵对策。 关键词:对策论,二人有限零和对策,二人有限非零和对策 Abstract Definition 1 Game theory is a formal way to analyze interaction among a group of rational agents who behave strategically. This definition contains a number of important concepts which are dis- cussed in order: Group: In any game there is more than one decision maker who is referred to as player. If there is a single player the game becomes a decision problem. 1There is common knowledge of rationality between players A and B if A knows that B is rational (and vice versa), if A knows that B knows that A is rational (and vice versa) etc. 2 Interaction: What one individual player does directly affects at least one other player in the group. Otherwise the game is simple a series of independent decision problems. Strategic: Individual players account for this interdependence. Rational: While accounting for this interdependence each player chooses her best action. This condition can be weakened and we can assume that agents are boundedly rational. Behavioral economics analyzes decision prob- lems in which agents behave boundedly rational. Evolutionary game theory is game theory with boundedly rational agents. 前言 1.博弈在中国 《学弈》(《孟子?告子》) :弈秋,通国之善弈也。使弈秋侮二人弈,其一人专心致志,惟弈秋之为听;一人虽听之,援弓缴而射之。虽与之俱学,弗若之矣。为是其智弗若与?吾曰:非然也。 博弈又称博戏,


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