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- (parent-child) , - (ancestor-descendant)

ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW E-mail: jos@ Journal of Software, Vol.18, No.6, June 2007, pp.1400?1418 DOI: 10.1360/jos181400 Tel/Fax: +86-10 ? 2007 by Journal of Software. All rights reserved. XML数据的查询技术 ? 孔令波 1+, 唐世渭 1,2, 杨冬青 1, 王腾蛟 1, 高 军 1 1(北京大学 计算机科学技术系,北京 100871) 2(北京大学 视觉与听觉信息处理国家重点实验室,北京 100871) Querying Techniques for XML Data KONG Ling-Bo1+, TANG Shi-Wei1,2, YANG Dong-Qing1, WANG Teng-Jiao1, GAO Jun1 1(Department of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China) 2(National Laboratory on Machine Perception, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China) + Corresponding author: Phn: +86-10 E-mail: lbkong@126.com, /lbkong Kong LB, Tang SW, Yang DQ, Wang TJ, Gao J. Querying techniques for XML data. Journal of Software, 2007,18(6):1400?1418. /1000-9825/18/1400.htm Abstract: XML has become the de facto standard for data representation and exchange for Web applications, such as digital library, Web service, and electronic business. How to retrieve interesting information from the promising XML data is an active research area. Among techniques in this area, the description of query patterns is a crucial section. This paper reviews the actualities of recent researches on this topic. It classifies the query descriptors into two categories, XML Query type and XML IR type (with three subcategories: XML IR/keyword, XML IR/fragment and XML IR/query), and concludes three popular problems: Twig pattern processing, SLCA (smallest lowest common ancestor) problem, and similarity measuring techniques for retrieved XML fragments. It analyzes the virtue and deficiency of related techniques based on their convenience for common users. And hereby it proposes four issues for further XML querying researches: structural keywords and corresponding structural similarity measuring, wiping off the redundancy in XML data processing between XML Query (including XML IR/query) and XML IR/keyword, theoretical


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