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—— 本 期 目 录 —— —— 微聚焦—— 【微聚焦】“萌妖”胡巴来袭 —— 微课堂—— 【微口语】拿得起,放得下!英文如何劝人别纠结? 【微听力】科幻小说能帮助人类吗? 【微翻译】准到没盆友!“神准”英文该如何翻译? 【微阅读】菲律宾男孩路灯下读书,励志照感动网友 —— 微分享—— 【微智慧】“漂亮女人最好命”这是真的吗? 【微幽默】震撼!我们身处的谎言世界 【微音乐】《Summer Love》(Stevie Hoang) 【微影评】《碟中谍 5:神秘国度》(Mission: Impossible-Rogue Nation) —— 微互动—— 【微讨论】话题讨论:如何应对讨厌的工作? 【微测试】英语四六级词汇测试题(22) —— 微动态—— 【微聚焦】“萌妖”胡巴来袭 “妖气”冲天,《捉妖记》上映以来势不可挡,屡破纪录。片中云 集井柏然、白百何、姜武等众多明星,然而最抢镜的却是分分钟把人 萌化的新一代萌妖“胡巴”,不少网友哭喊着“好想养一只”。 胡巴, 新一代萌妖,必杀技“卖萌”,粉丝群体“萝卜丝”。那么,这个萌萌 哒的小家伙到底是怎么做到的呢?【编者语】 Big names easily drag audiences into theaters, and though hit 3-D fantasy epic “Monster Hunt” features an ensemble cast, computer animated baby Wuba has turned out to be the film’s biggest attraction. 明星大腕容易吸引观众, 3D 幻想大片《捉妖记》就汇集了全明星阵容,但是影片最吸引人的还是电脑动画宝宝胡 巴。 Over the weekend, the part-animated and part-live-action adventure smashed Chinese box office records, setting a new benchmark for a domestic movies opening day (173 million yuan) and single day grosses (182 million yuan). The film is projected to become the highest grossing Chinese film ever within the next few days. 周末期间,动画真人电影《捉妖记》打破了国产电影票房纪录,创造了国产电影上映首日票房(1.73 亿元)和单日 票房(1.82 亿元)的新标杆。未来几天,《捉妖记》预计会成为票房最高的中国电影。 “Monster Hunt” is set in a fictional ancient world where humans and monsters fight for domination. Song Tianyin (Jing Boran), forsaken son of a monster hunter, accidentally gives birth to a baby monster king, Wuba, and then starts a journey together with the little monster and rookie monster hunter Huo Xiaolan (Bai Baihe). 《捉妖记》发生在人类和妖精争夺统治权的虚构的一个古代世界中,。宋天荫(井柏然饰)是捉妖师的弃子,他意 外地生下妖王胡巴,之后宋天荫便与胡巴以及菜鸟捉妖师霍小岚(白百何饰)一起踏上了一段旅途。 From this year‘s Oscar-winning comedy “Big Hero 6” to global hit “Minions”, many successful animations share one common feature: a super cute character. They are not always pretty, on the contrary, they often look chubby and even silly. But, they have to be cute. Wuba is no exception. The white, four-armed, carrot-like creature with big eyes and a lovely voice melt


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