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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 2015年9月5日大陆考试托福写作真题回顾(超强范文 版)-智课教育旗下智课教育 2015年9月5日的托福考试刚刚结束,考友们就分享了考场上的托 福写作,这里是来自考友的真题回忆。备考的考生们快来围观! 备考托福的小伙伴们注意了,托福真题是你不可缺少的备考利器, 智课教育 小编给大家整理了刚刚过去的9月5日托福考试写作真题,并 附有范文解析。了解托福考试的题型,有助于我们更好的备考接下来的 托福考试,赶紧收藏吧! 综合写作: 有关动物玩耍行为的解释 阅读: 1. 动物有多余的能量要消耗; 2. 玩耍是为以后猎食做准备; 3. 玩耍的目的是为了建立与种群中其它成员的相互关系。 听力反驳 1. 小海豹不能自己找食物,食物来源于妈妈给它们的食物。在等妈 妈带回食物之前,小海豹并没有多余的能量,但是它们照样玩耍; 2. 研究人员通过做实验,把小猫分成两组,一组训练它们的玩耍能 力,另一组限制它们的玩耍能力,结果发现训练玩耍能力的那一组小猫 长大以后猎食能力并不比另一组强; 3. 观察表明,老鼠在过了玩耍的年龄之后还可以和其它种族成员建 立相互关系。 范文: None of the three hypotheses proposed in the reading can precisely explain why young animals play. Firstly, from the perspective of the surplus energy theory, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, young seal gets energy based on the food found by mother, and sometimes it has to wait for a whole day without any nourishment, let alone energy surplus. However, it still plays under this circumstance. Moreover, judging from the instinct practice theory, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates by a contrast test that two young cat were investigated, one allowed to play in the experiment while the other not. Consequently, the playing cat, which supposed to become a skilful hunter after growing up based on the instinct practice theory, was nothing different from the cat not having played in the process. Last but not least, on the point of the social theory, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms of the listening, rats only play in the early age. However, their social relationship develops after that age, which indicates the irrelevance between playing and social relationship. 独立写作: In order to attract more tourists, government should improve the safety by hiring more police or improve the appearance by improving the old buildings and streets? 是否新题:是 题材:社会类 独立写作思路: 1. 政府应该雇用更多的警察提高安全性 (1)安全是大多数游客选择旅游地点首要考虑的问题; (2)增强警力可以在很大程度上促进旅游地经济的发展。 2. 政府应该改善老建筑和老街道 (1)建筑和街道是旅游地的一道风景线,改善建筑和街道可以吸引更 多的游客前来参观; (2


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