A 4.8GHz CMOS Fully Integrated LC Balanced Oscillator with Symmetrical Noise Filter Techniq.pdf

A 4.8GHz CMOS Fully Integrated LC Balanced Oscillator with Symmetrical Noise Filter Techniq.pdf

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A 4.8GHz CMOS Fully Integrated LC Balanced Oscillator with Symmetrical Noise Filter Techniq

第 26 卷  第 3 期 2005 年 3 月    半  导  体  学  报 CHIN ESE J OURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS Vol. 26  No. 3   Mar. ,2005 Received 5 September 2004 ,revised manuscript received 17 October 2004 ○c 2005 Chinese Institute of Elect ronics A 418 GHz CMOS Fully Integrated LC Balanced Oscillator with Symmetrical Noise Filter Technique and Large Tuning Range Yang Fenglin 1 , Zhang Zhaofeng 2 , Li Baoqi 2 , and Min Hao 1 (1 S tate Key L aboratory of A S I C S ystem , Fudan Universit y , S hanghai  200433 , China) (2 COML EN T Communication ( S hanghai) L t d1 , S hanghai  201203 , China) Abstract : This paper present s a fully integrated 418 GHz VCO with an invention ———symmetrical noise filter tech2 nique. This VCO ,with relatively low phase noise and large tuning range of 716M Hz ,is fabricated with the 0125μm SMIC CMOS process. The oscillator consumes 6mA from 215V supply. Another conventional VCO is also designed and simulated without symmetrical noise filter on the same process ,which also consumes 6mA current and is with the same tuning. Simulation result describes that the first VCO’phase noise is 6dBc/ Hz better than the latter’s at the same off set f requency f rom 418 GHz. Measured phase noise at 1M Hz away f rom the carrier in this 418 GHz VCO with symmetrical noise filter is - 123166dBc/ Hz. This design is suitable for the usage in a phase2locked loop and other consumer elect ronics. It is amenable for future technologies and allows easy porting to different CMOS manu2 facturing process. Key words : VCO ; symmetrical noise filter ; radio f requency ; inductor ; switch capacitor EEACC : 1230B ; 7150 E CLC number : TN782    Document code : A    Article ID : 025324177 (2005) 0320448207 1  Introduction Advances in radio f requency (RF) communica2 tion systems have brought on a large increase in t he demand for communication devices such as mo2 bile/ cellular telep hones ,radios ,portable digital tel2 ecommunications , WL AN p hones , and data de2 vices [1 ] . To t ransform RF signa



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