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A Bottom-Up Model of Skill Learning
A Bottom-Up Model of Skill Learning
Ron Sun (rsun@cs.ua.edu)
Edward Merrill (emerrill@gp.as.ua.edu)
Todd Peterson (todd@cs.ua.edu)
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
We present a skill learning model CLARION. Different from
existing models of high-level skill learning that use a top-
down approach (that is, turning declarative knowledge into
procedural knowledge), we adopt a bottom-up approach to-
ward low-level skill learning, where procedural knowledge de-
velops first and declarative knowledge develops later. CLAR-
ION is formed by integrating connectionist, reinforcement, and
symbolic learning methods to perform on-line learning. We
compare the model with human data in a minefield navigation
task. A match between the model and human data is found in
several respects.
The acquisition and use of skill constitute a major portion
of human activities. Skills vary in complexity and degree
of cognitive involvement. They range from simple motor
movements and other routine tasks in everyday activities to
high-level intellectual skills. We study “lower-level” cogni-
tive skills, which have not received sufficient research atten-
tion. One type of task that exemplifies what we call low-level
cognitive skill is reactive sequential decision making (Sun et
al 1996). It involves an agent selecting and performing a se-
quence of actions to accomplish an objective on the basis of
moment-to-moment information (hence the term “reactive”).
An example of this kind of task is the minefield navigation
task developed at The Naval Research Lab (see Gordon et al.
1994). This kind of task setting appears to tap into real-world
skills associated with decision making under conditions of
time pressure and limited information. Thus, the results we
obtain from human experiments will likely be transferable
to real-world skill learning situations. Yet this kind of task
is suitable for computational modeling given the recent de-
velopment of machine learning tech
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