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Turbulence Modeling Applied to Flow Through a Staggered Tube Bundle You Qin Wang? and Peter L. Jackson? University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia V2N 4Z9, Canada DOI: 10.2514/1.44356 Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical simulations of the turbulent flow through a staggered tube bundle are presented. The primary aim of the present study is to search for a turbulentmodel that could serve as an engineering design tool at a relatively low computational cost. In the present study, the performances of the Spalart–Allmaras model, the k- model, and large eddy simulation are evaluated by comparing their simulation results against experimental measurements. The turbulence models are assessed mainly based on their ability to resolve time-dependent features of the flow related to vortex shedding. Simulations are performed at a Reynolds number of 9300. Overall, the predicted streamwise mean velocity and transverse mean velocity in the present study are in good agreement with measurements, and the results show that the simple one-equation Spalart–Allmaras model could be a verypromising tool for numerical simulation of complex turbulentflows, since the Strouhal number obtained by it agrees well with measurements available in the literature for similar tube geometries. Nomenclature Cd = streamwise drag coefficient, 2Fd=U 21dLz d = tube diameter, m Fd = streamwise drag force, N k = turbulent kinetic energy, m2=s3 Lz = computational domain in the z direction, m Re = Reynolds number, U1d= SL = longitudinal pitch, m ST = transverse pitch, m T = temperature, K t = physical time step, s t = nondimensional time step, tU1=d U = x-direction mean velocity component, m=s U1 = inlet velocity, m=s uiuj = Reynolds stress, m=s2 u = friction velocity, m=s V = y-direction mean velocity component, m=s W = z-direction mean velocity component, m=s x = streamwise coordinate, m y = transverse coordinate, m z = spanwise coordinate, m y = distance fr



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