Aircraft noise-abatement and mitigation strategies.pdf

Aircraft noise-abatement and mitigation strategies.pdf

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Aircraft noise-abatement and mitigation strategies

lable at ScienceDirect Journal of Air Transport Management 15 (2009) 14–22Contents lists avaiJournal of Air Transport Management journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/locate/ ja i r t ramanAircraft noise-abatement and mitigation strategies Raquel Girvin*,1 Program in Transportation Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USAKeywords: Aircraft noise Environmental policy Noise mitigation* Tel./fax: t1 202 267 3570. E-mail address: raquel.girvin@ 1 Present address: US Federal Aviation Administra ment and Energy, 800 Independence Ave, SW, Washi 2 Airbus (2004) forecasts a three-fold increase in air Boeing (2006a) predicts an average 4.8% annual air tr years. Both aircraft manufacturers also estimate that th between destinations will more than double over the 3 Only offshore Kansai and Chubu airports allow u tions in Japan. Haneda, Japan’s busiest airport, will offshore (Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and T 0969-6997/$ – see front matter  2008 Published by doi:10.1016/j.jairtraman.2008.09.012a b s t r a c t This paper compares and contrasts aviation noise policies and noise-abatement measures currently in effect around the world. With local, national, and regional governments attempting to refine and update their policies towards aircraft and airport noise, this detailed review provides a contextual background to complement aviation noise policy research.  2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.1. Introduction Factors such as economic growth and the deregulation of airline markets have been fueling ever-greater demand for air travel.2 With forecasts of future air travel pointing to demand that exceeds current airport capacity, expansion at existing airports and/or construction of new airports will likely be needed to accommodate growth. However, aircraft noise remains one of the greatest barriers to airport expansion and new airport construc- tion around the world. The US General Accounting Office (GAO, 2000a) has reported noise as the greatest environmental


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