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Some water is also needed for industry because the country makes cars, ships, and machines. But Australians’ main use of water is for agriculture. Farms produce rice, grapes, oranges, cattle, and many other foods, and these require a lot of water. Instead of rain, Australia uses water from rivers and underground reservoirs for farming. Some parts of Australia have had more normal amounts of rain recently, but in many places there, the crisis continues. And with the earth’s climate getting hotter, other countries will face urgent decisions about water use like Australia has. Listening 1 luxury n. 奢侈品 plumbing n. (建筑物内的)管道系统 haul v. 拖,拉 merry-go-round n. (供儿童玩耍的)旋转木马 spin v. (使)快速旋转 Patricia Molope 帕特里夏· 莫洛普(人名) exhausting a. 使人筋疲力竭的 chore n. 家庭杂务 Listening 2 Listening 2 A | Read the questions and answer choices. Then listen to a talk about PlayPumps and choose the correct answers. Listening 2 1. What was the traditional way for some rural Africans to get clean water? a. They asked a taxi driver to carry water for them. b. They pumped water from the well in their village. c. They walked to a far-off well to carry water back. 2. Who would do the traditional chore of carrying water? a. Women and girls. b. Men and boys. c. Boys and girls. c a B | Read the questions. Then listen again and answer the questions. Listening 2 1. How heavy are the traditional water containers the people were using? And how far did they have to go to get water? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2. What may be the main parts of a PlayPump? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The traditional water containers weigh about 40 pounds (18 kilograms), and people walked eight kilomet



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