AS4002 3A,20V,同步降压芯片 大功率2016年必威体育精装版设计.pdf

AS4002 3A,20V,同步降压芯片 大功率2016年必威体育精装版设计.pdf

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AS4002 3A,20V,同步降压芯片 大功率2016年必威体育精装版设计

3A 20 V Synchronous Step - D ow n Converter AS4002 AS4002 AS4002 AS4002 AS4002 ? 4.6V to 20V operating input range 3A output current ? Up to 94% efficiency ? High efficiency (85%) at light load ? Adjustable Soft-Start ? Fixed 340kHz Switching frequency ? Input under voltage lockout ? Available in ESOP8 package ? Start-up current run-away protection ? Short circuit protection ? Thermal protection ? Distributed Power Systems ? Networking Systems ? FPGA, DSP, ASIC Power Supplies ? Green Electronics/ Appliances ? Notebook Computers The is a current mode monolithic buck switching regulator. Operating with an input range of 4.6-20V, the delivers 3A of continuous output current with two integrated N-Channel MOSFETs. The internal synchronous power switches provide high efficiency without the use of an external Schottky diode. At light loads, regulators operate in low frequency to maintain high efficiency and low output ripple. Current mode control provides tight load transient response and cycle-by-cycle current limit. The guarantees robustness with short-circuit protection, thermal protection, start-up current run-away protection, and input under voltage lockout. The is available in an 8-pin ESOP package, which provides a compact solution with minimal external components. FEATURES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS T PICAL APPLICATIONY 1/8 深圳市鑫丰微科技有限公司 0755ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM DATING AS4002 AS4002 AS4002 AS4002 PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Top Marking Package Form ESOP8 3P027CD Tape and reel packaging: 2500 pieces/tape IC tube: 100 pieces/tube TOP View BST 1 VIN 2 SW 3 GND 4 8 SS 7 EN 6 COMP 5 FB ESOP 8 GND 1 VIN, E


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