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Cluster Analysis of Heterogeneous Rank Data
Cluster Analysis of Heterogeneous Rank Data
Ludwig M. Busse bussel@student.ethz.ch
Peter Orbanz porbanz@inf.ethz.ch
Joachim M. Buhmann jbuhmann@inf.ethz.ch
Institute of Computational Science, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
This revision of the ICML 2007 proceedings article corrects an error in Sec. 3.
Cluster analysis of ranking data, which
occurs in consumer questionnaires, voting
forms or other inquiries of preferences, at-
tempts to identify typical groups of rank
choices. Empirically measured rankings are
often incomplete, i.e. different numbers of
filled rank positions cause heterogeneity in
the data. We propose a mixture approach for
clustering of heterogeneous rank data. Rank-
ings of different lengths can be described and
compared by means of a single probabilistic
model. A maximum entropy approach avoids
hidden assumptions about missing rank po-
sitions. Parameter estimators and an ef-
ficient EM algorithm for unsupervised in-
ference are derived for the ranking mixture
model. Experiments on both synthetic data
and real-world data demonstrate significantly
improved parameter estimates on heteroge-
neous data when the incomplete rankings are
included in the inference process.
1. Introduction
Ranking data commonly occurs in preference surveys:
A number of subjects are asked to rank a list of items
or concepts according to their personal order of prefer-
ence. Two types of ranking data are usually discussed
in the literature: Complete and partial (or incom-
plete) rankings. A wide range of probabilistic mod-
els is available for both (Diaconis, 1988; Critchlow,
1985). A complete ranking of r items is a permutation
of these items, listed in order of preference. Mathemat-
ical models of rankings are based on the corresponding
permutation group. A partial ranking is a preference
Appearing in Proceedings of the 24 th International Confer-
ence on Machine Learning, Corvallis, OR, 2007. Copyright
2007 by the author(s)/owner(s).
list of t out of r item
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