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毕 业 设 计 [论 文] 题 目: 南京市升达图书大厦中央空调设计 学 院: 河南城建学院 专 业: 热能与动力工程 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成时间: 2016年5月 20日 摘 要 本次设计的是南京市升达图书大厦的空调系统。其建筑总共有八层,有开架书库,电化教室,期刊阅览室,以及高层的办公室等功能,制冷机房布置在地下一层。众所周知为群众提供工作和日常活动的场所被称为建筑。现如今人们只有五分之一得时间不在建筑物里度过。建筑环境对于人们的生活质量,工作情况以及寿命的影响逐渐在社会上引起了广泛关注。我们的祖先从起初的风餐露宿到现在的建筑环境的变化是个无比艰难复杂的过程,不忘初忠的就是改善建筑内环境,为了达到我们本身对于工作和生活对于环境的要求。那么中央空调设计就是不断为这个方面做着研究,针对该综合楼建筑物的功能要求和特点,以及南京地区气象条件和空调要求,参考各种相关文献资料对该楼的中央空调系统进行系统规划,考虑到此建筑的特点,各房间均采取风机盘管-新风系统。 设计的主要步骤有:建筑负荷的计算;冷热源的选择;风系统的设计与计算;水系统的设计与计算;风管系统与水管系统保温层的设计;空调末端处理设备及机房辅助设备的选型等。根据各种计算结果,通过控制室内温度、湿度、洁净度和光声环境使人们生活更舒适。 关键词:中央空调系统,风机盘管-新风系统,制冷机房 ABSTRACT The design of air conditioning system is a library building in Nanjing. The building a total of eight layer, open stacks, audio-visual classroom, periodical reading room, and high-rise office function refrigerating room layout in the basement.Known for providing work and day to day activities of the establishments known as building. Now only one-fifth people have to spend time in the building. The built environment for peoples quality of life, job and life gradually aroused widespread concern in the community. Our ancestors worked from the beginning to the current changes in the built environment is an extremely difficult and complex process, do not forget to cheat is to improve the environment inside the building at the beginning, in order to meet the requirements of our working and living environments. Then the air-conditioning system design is constantly doing research in this area, according to the complex functional requirements and features of the building, as well as Nanjing meteorological conditions and air conditioning requirements, reference literature on the build


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