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摘要 随着社会的发展与进步,我国乙烯的市场需求量急剧增加,乙烯进口量逐年增加,国内产品市场占有率还不到百分之五十。乙烯工业是石油化工产业的龙头,其发展水平早已成为衡量一个国家综合经济实力的重要标志之一,在石油化工产业乃至国民经济发展中占有极其重要的地位。 塔设备在化工、石油、医药、食品及环境保护等工业部门中广泛使用的重要生产设备,是一种十分重要的单元操作设备。塔设备的作用在于提供气、液两相以充分接触的机会,使质、热两种传递过程能够迅速有效地进行,从而达到相际间进行传质及传热的目的;还可以使接触后的气、液两相能够及时分开,互不夹带。塔设备主要应用在石油化工行业,其种类颇多,按操作压力分有加压塔,常压塔及减压塔;按内件结构分有填料塔、板式塔;还有按单元操作分有精馏塔,吸收塔,介吸塔,萃取塔,反应塔,干燥塔等。 本次设计的是年产3.6万吨乙烯精馏浮阀塔。浮阀塔是20世纪50年代前后开发和应用的,并在石油、化工等工业部门代替了传统使用的泡罩塔,成为当今应用最广泛的塔型之一,并因具有优异的综合性能,在设计和选用塔型时常是被首选的板式塔。本次设计主要包括三大方面的内容:一是工艺计算;二是强度及稳定性的计算;三是专题部分的补充。 第一部分主要进行了物料衡算,塔内物件尺寸的确定,塔温、塔板数的计算以及各种管径的确定,附属设备的选择等等。 第二部分主要是在强度及稳定性计算中计算出塔器的各部分质量,从而对塔的三个危险截面进行校核,主要是质量载荷,风载荷与地震载荷的计算,另外还要进行补强的计算。 最后即是专题部分:吊柱的选用与校核。 关键词: 板式塔; 精馏设备; 填料塔 Abstract With the social development and progress, Chinas ethylene market demand for a sharp increase in the amount of ethylene imports increased year by year, the domestic market share of less than 50 percent. Ethylene is the leading petrochemical industry, and its level of development has become the measure of a countrys comprehensive economic strength, an important sign, occupies an extremely important position in the petrochemical industry and the national economy. Important tower production equipment in the chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, food and environmental protection and other industrial sectors are widely used, it is a very important unit operation equipment. You can also post the contact; the role of the tower equipment to provide gas and liquid phases opportunity to full contact, so that quality, two kinds of heat transfer process can be carried out quickly and efficiently, so as to achieve the purpose of phase interpersonal conduct mass transfer and heat transfer the gas and liquid phases can be separated in time, and do not entrainment. Tower equipment mainly used in the petrochemical industry, and its many types, according to the operating pressure divided pressurized tower, atmospheric tower and vacuum tower; internals structure divided by the packed tower, plate tower;


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