企业导入知识管理以提升竞争力之探讨 工商管理专业_毕业论文.doc

企业导入知识管理以提升竞争力之探讨 工商管理专业_毕业论文.doc

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企业导入知识管理以提升竞争力之探讨 工商管理专业_毕业论文

企业导入知识管理以提升竞争力之探讨 摘 要 自1990年代以来,企业经营型态产生了很大的变化,为因应经营环境的改变,企业皆积极的寻求提升企业组织的竞争力,以争取在同业之间的竞争优势。由于经营策略的改变及新科技不断的推陈出新,信息快速的取得,使得企业在改革创新的脚步更为快速,在进入21世纪的知识经济时代里,企业创造出高价值的知识管理(Knowledge Management,简称KM),因而改变了企业的经营策略(Business Strategy)。现代的企业经营者已深深的体会到企业唯有努力学习,善用「知识管理」,才能拥有长期的竞争力。 本文以实行「知识管理」成功的案例说明企业为提升竞争力,必须如何的导入及运用「知识管理」,以促使企业内所有人员激发潜能,整合内部员工的知识,并加以归纳分析,掌握企业先机,提高经营绩效,并得到顾客的肯定和信赖。充份运用「知识管理」是企业在竞争策略中求生存的必要条件,也是企业创造高价值的智能资产与提升竞争力的唯一途径。 关键词:知识管理、知识经济、竞争力、经营策略 The Study of the Implementation of Knowledge Management and Its Effects on Increasing the Competition Pang-Lo Liu Shih-Fang Yang Wen-Chin Chen Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management, Chung-Hua University 30 Tung Shiang, Hsin Chu, Taiwan Abstract There are dramatic changes in the operation mode for the enterprises since 1990. In cope with these changes, all enterprises are devoted themselves to seek a solution with the object of increasing competitiveness for the success of the enterprises. In other words, the organizations that are best at managing change have the competitive advantage. This is mainly due to the introduction of new technology and managerial strategy that makes the enterprise moving faster and faster in research and renovation area. As a consequence, a so-called Knowledge Management(KM) has been developed by the enterprise, which significantly changes current business strategies before entering the new knowledge-based economy of 21st century. For most of the top management of the enterprise has realized the fact that making use of knowledge management properly will possess competition in a long run. This study will elaborate on the implementation of knowledge management system for increasing competition. By using this concept and establishment process of knowledge management system, it will excite each potential creativeness that already imbedded in them. Moreover, by integration and analyzing the knowledge of each employee, so the enterprise can stay ahead of other competitors, and fi



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