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摘 要 嵌入式系统应用已渗入到工业、军事、日常生活等各个领域。随着嵌入式系统应用的普遍化和网络技术的不断发展,嵌入式网络应用将成为嵌入式系统应用的发展趋势。嵌入式网络的存在,必须要考虑网络安全方面的问题。嵌入式系统本身资源有限,无法存储和运行大型的安全工具。而且网络安全技术多是被动的防御技术,对攻击者了解不足,更无法应对层出不穷的未知攻击。 蜜罐是一种主动防御技术,它不会直接给网络安全带来帮助,只是收集攻击者攻击的相关信息并分析这些信息,来研究攻击者常用的攻击方式和系统所存在的漏洞,间接的为网络安全带来帮助。随着嵌入式网络应用的广泛性,本文在嵌入式网络环境下应用蜜罐技术。 本文在分析研究嵌入式网络安全及蜜罐技术的基础上,提出嵌入式蜜罐和嵌入式蜜网的思路。通过对几种典型蜜罐产品的比较,本文选择虚拟蜜罐Honeyd作为嵌入式环境下的研究对象。在分析研究Honeyd的框架结构及关键技术的基础上,对蜜罐Honeyd在嵌入式系统上进行移植,并在蜜罐移植的基础上提出对蜜罐的扩展设想。最后在嵌入式网络环境下对蜜罐进行部署并测试分析,实验结果表明,嵌入式蜜罐对嵌入式网络安全起到保护作用。 关键词:嵌入式系统;嵌入式网络;蜜罐;Honeyd Abstract The application of the embedded system has filtered into industry, military affairs and some other daily life domains. With the generalization of the embedded system and the development of the embedded system, network and the Internet technology, the embedded network will become the trend of the application of the embedded system. With the existence of the embedded network, we must take attention to the security. Due to the limitation of the resources of the embedded system, it can’t save and circulate large-scale security facilities. Except this, network security technologies are excessively passive defence, which knows little about attackers, not to mention that it can handle the endless unknown attacks. Honeypot is an active defense technology. It won’t bring help to the network security directly, which just collects the information of the attackers and analyzes it. By doing this, then it do some researches to find the attacking methods and loopholes in the system, so it can also do much help to the network security. With the universality of the application of the embedded networks, the application of the honeypot technology in the embedded system environment is designed in this paper. This paper will firstly introduce the characteristic of the embedded network security and the honeypot technology and then take the embedded honeypot and embedded honeynet into thought. In several types of typical honeypot products, the paper chose virtual hone



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