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xxx 理 工 大 学 应 用 技 术 学 院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目:苏宁云商服务营销策略分析 学 院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 市场营销 学生姓名: xxx 指导教师: xxx 2014年4月25日 摘 要 随着电商的不断发展及壮大,线下的销售压力也随着增大,当今的消费者已不单单满足于对产品的需求,而越来越重视在消费的过程当中应有的或超值的服务体验。很多企业也意识到了这点从产品为导向转向了以顾客为中心,由生产密集型转向服务密集型,满足了顾客较高层次需求的同时销售出产品。可见服务已成了销售过程中一种不可或缺的新兴产品,苏宁云商更是在企业建立之初就把“服务”做为营销之根本,拓展之基石才会在短短的20年内成为了我国电器零售行业的“航母”。 通过在苏宁实习期间更是深刻的体验到了苏宁服务营销的优点与精髓同时也发现了一些不足与漏洞。其中苏宁的售前售中售后服务、服务网络的大规模覆盖、人才的储备和培养、门店内的有形展示及店内人员的培训制度都是苏宁营销过程中所突出的优点。但也存在着各部门分工难以协调、销售人员绩效制度的不完善导致的销售人员的服务行为不规范、促销策略的老旧乏味难以真正吸引消费者等问题。在家电行业竞争渐入白热化的今天只有不断改进自身的不足才会在竞争中脱颖而出。 本文主要对苏宁云商的服务营销策略进行深入的分析及研究,探究其快速发展的真谛,同时通过发现其服务营销策略存在的不足之处,提出建议及改善方法,使其服务品质及销售业绩更上一层楼。 关键词:苏宁;服务;营销;顾客;产品 Abstract With the continuous development of electricity and grandness, offline sales also increases as the pressure, todays consumers have not only satisfied with the demand for products, and more and more attention in the process of consumption of services or experience. Many companies are aware of this from product oriented to the customer as the center, from intensive production to intensive service, satisfy the customer demand with higher levels of sales of the products at the same time. Visible service has become an indispensable emerging products, sales process Su Ningyun business is at the beginning of the enterprise to establish the service as the foundation of marketing, the cornerstone of development in just 20 years to become the aircraft carrier of our countrys electric appliance retail industry. During my internship in suning is more profound experience to suning the advantages and essence of service marketing and found some shortages and loopholes. Suning pre-market sale of after-sales service, service network of large-scale coverage, talent reserve and cultivation, the tangible demonstration of our stores and the store personnel training system are produced in the process of suning marketing prominent advantages. But there is a division of labor is hard to coordinate diff


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