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摘 要 土豆清洗装置是一种借助圆形滚筒的转动,使原料在滚筒中不断地翻转,同时用高压水管喷射水来冲洗翻动的土豆,以此达到清洗土豆的目的。从土豆上冲下来的泥沙与污水通过滚筒的网孔从底部集水斗排出。此装置可以用于清洗土豆、红薯等质地 较硬的根茎类物料。该滚筒式土豆清洗装置,是一种比较实用的食品原料初加工(清洗)设备,其组成部分包括机架、电机、减 速器、V带传动系统 、螺旋式滚筒、冲洗水管、挡料板、进出料口、污水排放口。电机和减速器是固定在机架上的,电机通过 V带传动系统与减速器相连,减速器通过V带传动系统带动滚筒上的摩擦轮从而使得滚筒转动,滚筒内部含有螺旋导板,在滚 筒旋转的同时,带动物料转动,完成清洗和输送。该滚筒式土豆清洗装置结构简单、制造成本低、能耗低、工作可靠、易操作 、节约用水。 关键词:土豆清洗装置;清洗;传动系统;转动。 Abstract Potato cleaning device is a by rotation of a circular cylinder, the raw material in the drum constantly flip, and with high pressure water spray water to wash turning of potatoes, so as to achieve clean potatoes. Sediment and water rushing down from the potatoes through the mesh drum discharge from the bottom of the set Pelton. This device can be used to clean potatoes, sweet potatoes and other hard texture of the material roots. The drum cleaning device potatoes, is a more practical food materials primary processing (cleaning) equipment, its components including chassis, motor, reducer, V belt drive, spiral rollers, rinse water, striker plate, material inlet and outlet, sewage outfall. Motor and gear unit is fixed to the frame, the motor is connected via a V-belt drive system with reducer, reducer drive by V belt drive pulley on the drum so that the rotation of the drum, the drum contains an internal spiral guides the rotation of the drum at the same time, driven by the rotation of materials to complete the cleaning and transportation. The roller type potato cleaning device has the advantages of simple structure, low manufacturing cost, low energy consumption, reliable operation, easy operation and water saving. Key words: potato cleaning device; cleaning; transmission system; rotation. 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1 土豆文化 1 1.2 选题目的 1 1.3 土豆清洗装置的发展现状 2 2 总体方案和传动方案的设计 3 2.1 总体方案的设计 3 2.2 传动方案的设计 4 2.2.1 齿轮传动方案 4 2 .2.2 带传动方案 4 2.2.3 链传动方案 5 3 结构设计 6 3.1 电机的选择 6 3.2 传动装置的设计与计算 8 3.3 带的设计计算 9 3.4 摩擦轮的设计计算 10 3.4.1 摩擦轮方案的选择 10 3.4.2 摩擦轮传动失效的主要形式 12 3.4.3 摩擦轮的材料 12 3.4.4 摩擦轮传动的设计 13 4 轴的设


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