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新型自动化抹墙机设计 摘要 随着我国现代化建设脚步加快和人民生活水平的提高,人们对房屋居住环境要求越来越高,粉刷墙面是对房屋装修工序中不可缺少的。目前,我国的粉墙抹刷工序主要依靠人工操作,这种工作方式有很多缺点:工作量大、过程繁琐,劳动强度大,对工人身体健康危害大,较高墙面抹刷需搭脚架等,这样造成延误工时,粉刷操作不便,浪费大量财力物力,质量得不到保证等。因此本文依据现有抹墙机和粉刷要求,提出一种新型的自动化抹墙机设计方案。 首先对新型自动抹墙机进行整体机构设计,对抹墙机的重要部件进结构和安装位置进行分析:采用伸缩杆进行定位,采用砂浆泵和电机进行物料输送,采用钢丝进行长距离的上升下降,采用带弧度的刷板进行抹墙,使用失电抱闸电机和行程开关实现自动抹墙机的随停和自动往返等;然后对自动抹墙机重要结构零件进行尺寸计算和型号、材料选择;最后用Pro/e进行建模等。 通过研究设计,针对房建家庭装饰,设计出的新型自动化抹墙的机,能完全满足墙面平整度、垂直度的要求;通过创新设计(如采用砂浆泵输送物料),实现轻量化和减少劳动强度等,并且能保证抹墙质量。 关键词:自动化 物料输送 平整度 垂直度 自动往返 The design of the new automatic machine of wall plasterer Abstract With the pace of Chinas modernization accelerate and improving the peoples living standards, People living environment for housing have become increasingly demanding.Paint the wall is essential for housing renovation.At present, Chinas expanse wipe brush process mainly depends on manual operation,This way of working has many drawbacks:Heavy workload, Complicated process,Labor intensity, Great harm to the health of workers,Wipe the wall need to take a higher stand etc,So delays in working hours,Inconvenience paint operation,Waste a lot of financial and material resources,Quality can not be guaranteed etc.Therefore, this article based on an existing wall plasterer and stucco requirements, proposesing the design of the new automatic machine of wall plasterer. First, a new automatic wall plasterer will designed of overall organization , the wall plasterer important component into the structure and mounting location will be analysised:With removable bracket of positioning,A pump and motor transport sand,Steel wire were rising and falling at long-distance,walls were wiped by using a brush with curved,Use loss of power brake motors and limit switch for automatic plastering machine with automatic shuttle stop and so on;Then select automatic wall plasterer important structural sizing and model parts, materials;Finally, setting model by Pro/e. By design, According to house decoration,The design of the new automatic



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