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题 目 智能防尘防雨车衣控制系统设计
学生姓名 学号
所在学院 物理与电信工程学院
专业班级 电子信息工程专业12级3班
指导教师 __
完成地点 陕西理工学院
2016年 6 月 5 日
(陕西理工学院 物理与电信工程学院 电子信息工程专业12级3班,陕西 汉中 723000)
[摘要] 目前市面上的车衣大多以手动和半自动为主,收盖繁琐,功能单一。为了实现车衣的智能化,解决传统车衣存在的弊端。所以本课题设计了一款基于MC9S12XS128单片机的智能车衣。车衣由信息采集系统、中控系统、显示系统、报警系统、机械系统组成。实现了车衣在有人时第一系统手动打开,无人且车内温度高于30度时第二系统自动展开,车衣收、盖遇到故障时,检测系统报警并指示灯提示等功能。电路结构新颖元件不多、调试简单,可供小型企业工程技术人员开发设计参考。该装置不仅使用便捷、节约养车成本,而且操作更趋于人性化,达到真正的智能。
[关键词] 智能化;实用化;人性化;单片机;
The design of intelligent vehicle control system of dustproof and rainproof clothes
Author:Wang Qianlei
(Grade 12, Class 3, Major of Electronic information engineering, Institute of Ohysics and Telecommunication Engineering ,Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000, Shaanxi)
Tutor: Shuai Chunjiang
Abstract: At present, most of the clothes on the market are mainly manual and semi-automatic, the cover is complicated, and the function is single. In order to realize the intelligent vehicle clothing, solve the shortcomings of traditional clothing. So this topic designed a smart car based on MC9S12XS128 mcu. Information collection system, central control system, display system, alarm system, mechanical system. To achieve the car in the first manual system when the system is open, no one and the temperature is higher than 30 degrees when the second system automatic expansion, car cover, cover when the failure, the detection system alarm and indicator lights and other functions. Circuit structure of the new components are not many, debugging is simple, can be used for small business engineering and technical personnel development and design reference. The device is not only convenient to use, save the cost of the car, but also t
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