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届 学院 专 业 准考证号 考生姓名 指导教师 完成日期 2016年 1 月 29 日 摘 要 施工图预算是由设计单位在施工图设计完成后,根据施工图设计图纸、现行预算定额、费用定额以及地区设备、材料、人工、施工机械台班等预算价格编制和确定的建筑安装工程造价的文件。 本次毕业设计是关于住宅楼的施工图预算,该工程位于市区内,建筑面积4543.41平方米,地下一层,地上四层,属于三类工程,现浇框架结构,采用筏板基础。本设计是根据住宅楼施工图纸,并以2008年《河北省消耗量定额工程量计算规则汇编》、《2008年全国统一建筑工程基础定额河北省消耗量定额》为算量及计价依据,按照施工图预算的编制程序,遵循工程量计算规则,手算工程量并根据计算数据,利用计价软件编制了本工程的施工图预算。 关键词: 施工图预算;工程量;定额;工程造价 Abstract Construction drawing budget is drawn up by design units after the completion of construction drawing design ,drawings according to the fixed fee , local budget equipment and materials such as artificial construction machinery budget price establishment and number of construction and installation project cost to determine the files. The graduation design is about residential building, the engineering construction drawing budget in tangshan area 4543.41 m2, one layer under ground and four layers on the ground, belong to three engineering, cast-in-situ frame structure, using raft foundation。This design is based on tangshan flourishing classical gardens - k, and construction drawings seat in 2008 quantity calculation rules in hebei consumption quota compiled the unified national construction projects in 2008 in hebei province based quota 2008 consumption quota and the unified national construction and decoration engineering consumption quota hebei consumption quota of numerical quantity and valuation basis, according to give。 Key words: working drawing estimate,Project amount,quota,project cost. 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 第2章 计价模式发展简述...................................................2 2.1定额计价模式简述……………………………………………………………………...2 2.2清单计价模式简述……………………………………………………………………...3 2.3清单计价和定额计价的区别和联系……………………………………………….......4 2.4 实行工程量清单计价的意义………………………………………………………......6 第3章 工程预算书 7 3.1封面 7 3.2编制说明 8 3.3单位工程费用汇总表 8 3.4单位工程费用取费表 9 3.5单位工程预算表 11 3.6单位工程人材机价差表 20 3.7单位工程人材机汇总



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