
计算机软件毕业设计 网上鲜花店—会员及系统管理模块.doc

计算机软件毕业设计 网上鲜花店—会员及系统管理模块.doc

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计算机软件毕业设计 网上鲜花店—会员及系统管理模块

本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 网上鲜花店——会员及系统管理模块 摘要 二十一世纪是一个信息高速发达的社会,尤其以网络的高速发展为代表。鲜花的买卖业务是与我们的日常生活密切相关,长辈的生日,节日的祝福及问候,对心爱的人表达爱意,看望病号等等的时候。越来越多的人选择够买一束鲜花来表达自己的情谊!本系统正是利用了网络这个很好的平台为顾客提供方便,不用你出门,打开你的电脑上网就可以很方便的完成鲜花的选购,做到足不出门就可以完成一切。 本篇论文讲解了利用Myeclipse和Tomcat等开发环境,采用struts框架和JSP语言实现了鲜花店的会员管理和系统管理,此系统设计主要实现不同用户的注册、登录等的分级管理;各级会员信息的增加、修改、删除、查询,发表留言等功能;管理员可以对用户的留言进行管理和回复;由系统管理员权限的管理员可以编辑,更改其他管理员的级别,添加新的管理员等。 本系统易于操作和使用,交互性强。后台使用Mysql数据库保证了系统的健壮性。 关键词:网上鲜花系统;Mysql;JSP技术;Struts技术 Abstract Twenty-first Century is a highly developed information society, especially with the rapid development of network as the representative. The flower business is closely related to our daily life, the elders birthday, blessings and greetings, express your love to the beloved person to visit the sick, etc.. More and more people choose to buy a bouquet of flowers to express his feelings! This system use the Internet is the very good platform for the convenience of customers, you dont have to go out, open your computer to the Internet can be very convenient to complete the purchase of flowers, do keep indoors can complete all. This paper is to explain the use of Myeclipse and Tomcat development environment, using struts framework and JSP language to realize the flower shop membership management and system management, the design of the system mainly realize the classification management of different user registration, login, add, at all levels; member information modify, delete, query, publish messages and other functions; the administrator of the users message management and recovery; by the system administrator permissions administrator can edit, change other administrators level, add a new administrator. This system is easy to operate and use, interactive. The background using the Mysql database to ensure the robustness of the system. Keywords: flowers online system; Mysql; JSP technology; Struts Technology 目 录 第1章 引言 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 课题意义 1 1.3课题主要研究内容 1 1.4开发目标 2 第2章 相关技术介绍 3 2.1 开发工具及关键技术 3 2


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